
Just a reminder to send your child/children to school looking looking all ‘spic and span’ on Photo Day. 🙂

Thursday, October 2

Objectives and Homework for September 29 – October 3, 2014

English: – Write the plural form of nouns.

–         Write the plural form of irregular nouns.

–         Form singular and possessive nouns.


Because of Winn-Dixie: – We have started our new class novel this week; Because of Winn-Dixie. We will be reading chapters 6-10 this week. Please be sure to ask your child about the chapters we’ve covered each week.


Spelling: – Study for Spelling Test on Friday.


Math: – Subtract multi-digit numbers.

–         Choose the best strategy to solve a problem.

–         Subtract multi-digit numbers, when some are zero.

–         Chapter 2 Test on Friday.


Science: – Recall facts about vertebrates/invertebrates.  

–         Science Test on Thursday.


Social Studies: – Describe different ways to earn a living in the Caribbean.

–         Explore Caribbean culture.


Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

–         Match scriptures to fulfilled prophecy with correct statements.

–         Deduce that God’s Word is for all people, for all time.    

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16




Math: Jaguars: page 29 1-6

–         Eagles – page 29 1-3

–         Black Hawks – page 55 1-3, 7-9

English: page 27



Math: Jaguars: page 33 1-4

–         Eagles – page 33 1-3

–         Black Hawks – page 59 1-3

Spelling: – Jaguars and Eagles Choose 1 activity to complete from their Spelling Folder.

–         Black Hawks page 27 Practice Book



Math: Jaguars and Eagles pg 35

–         Black Hawks pg 63 1-5

English: page 29



Math: Study for Chapter Test

– Study for Spelling Test  

– Study for Bible Verse. Black Hawks page 21

Stop and Smell the Spelling

Today, Jaguars and Eagles started their new spelling unit to help them with their Unit 1, Because of Winn-Dixie spelling words. Be sure to check their school bags for their Spelling Folder. They can continue activities at home for more spelling practice.

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Black Hawks also had a great time becoming more familiar with their spelling words today, as they read through their story outside and completed work in their workbooks.

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Objectives and Homework – September 22 – 26, 2014

English: – Identify nouns in a sentence.

–         Distinguish between common and proper nouns.

–         Identify singular and plural nouns.


Because of Winn-Dixie: – We are starting our new class novel this week; Because of Winn-Dixie. We will be reading about 5 chapters per weeks and doing weekly comprehension quizzes. Please be sure to ask your child about the chapters we’ve covered each week.

Here is a quick summary of Because of Winn-Dixie:

The summer Opal and her father, the preacher, move to Naomi, Florida, Opal goes into the Winn-Dixie supermarket and comes out with a dog. A big, ugly, suffering dog with a sterling sense of humor.A dog she dubs Winn-Dixie. Because of Winn-Dixie, the preacher tells Opal ten things about her absent mother, one for each year Opal has been alive.Winn-Dixie is better at making friends than anyone Opal has ever known, and together they meet the local librarian, Miss Franny Block, who once fought off a bear with a copy of WAR AND PEACE. They meet Gloria Dump, who is nearly blind but sees with her heart, and Otis, an ex-con who sets the animals in his pet shop loose after hours, then lulls them with his guitar.


Opal spends all that sweet summer collecting stories about her new friends and thinking about her mother. But because of Winn-Dixie or perhaps because she has grown, Opal learns to let go, just a little, and that friendship and forgiveness can sneak up on you like a sudden summer storm.


Spelling: – Study for Spelling Test on Friday. (Some of our spelling words this week are from our class novel.)


Math: – Use + properties and – rules to add and subtract.

–         Estimate sums and differences of numbers.

–         Determine when to estimate or find an exact number.

–         Add numbers, including multi-digit numbers.


Science: – Observe the function of vascular plants.  

–         Describe the structure of fungi.

–         Make a model of a backbone.


Social Studies: – Identify differences and similarities between urban and rural life.

–         Describe different ways to earn a living in the Caribbean.


Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

–         Identify four important ways the Bible is useful.

–         Complete exercises to reinforce the concept that they Bible is accurate.

–         Respond to questions about Philip’s ministry to an Ethiopian man.        

Today, in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christen the Lord. Luke 2:11




Math: Jaguars and Eagles – pg 19

–         Black Hawks – pg 25

English: page 19



Math: Jaguars and Eagles pg 21 1-5  

–         Black Hawks – pg 31

Spelling: – Jaguars and Eagles Choose 1 activity to complete from their Spelling Folder. (To be discussed in class.)

–         Black Hawks page 20 Practice Book



Math: Jaguars and Eagles pg 22 1-2, 5-6

–         Black Hawks pg 32 1-6

English: page 21



Math: Black Hawks pg 34 1-6

– Study for Spelling Test  

– Study for Bible Verse

Cells, Cells Everywhere!

Yesterday, we had some fun getting up close and personal to all sorts of cells! Be sure to ask your child what they saw and to name the different parts of the animal and plant cells.

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Roald Dahl

Happy Roald Dahl Day!

This morning, we logged on to a live webcast and were able to learn how to draw Willy Wonker from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (just one of Roald Dahl’s many amazing books that he’s authored). If you’re interested in seeing more of what we listened to, be sure to log on to:

I also found the Roald Dahl website, if your child wants to learn a bit more about him and the many contributions that he’s made to our literary lives.

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Objectives and Homework for September 15-19, 2014

English: – Identify the simple predicate in a sentence.

–         Identify run-on sentences.

–         Unit 1 Check-Up


Spelling: – Study for Spelling Test on Friday.


Math: – Round whole numbers through the millions.  

–         Choose the best strategy to solve a problem.

–         Chapter 1 Test on Thursday.


Science: – Observe the function of a plant cell. Describe the structures of vascular and non-vascular plants.  

–         Describe the structure of fungi.


Social Studies: – Identify Bahamas, Belize and Guyana on a map.


Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your

–         Demonstrate that God breathes life into His words.

–         Contrast the results of obeying and not obeying God’s word.

–         Identify examples of adding and taking away from God’s word.            

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:14




Math: Jaguars and Eagles – pg 13 1-6

–         Black Hawks – pg 19

English: page 13



Math: Jaguars and Eagles pg 13 7-12  

–         Black Hawks – pg 21 1-7

Spelling: – Jaguars and Eagles page 9

–         Black Hawks page 15



Math: Jaguars and Eagles pg 14 1-6

–         Black Hawks pg 21 8-16

English: page 15



– Study for Spelling Test  

– Study for Bible Verse

Hurricane Ivan Remembered – 10 years later

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Ivan.

In class, we were able to watch a bit of footage that was filmed before, during and after Hurricane Ivan. Mrs. Durksen also shared a slideshow of just how much damage First Baptist Church and our school received.

Here is a link from Deep Blue Images that contains some very powerful photos. (

Hurricane Ivan passed over Grand Cayman on September 11th & 12th, 2004, battering the island with strong winds, inducing island wide flooding from storm surge and causing massive devastation. 10 foot waves were reported in our usually calm North Sound and waves up to 30 feet waves bashed the shorelines. While it came in over night on Saturday, the Catagory 5 hurricane made its closest approach at 10 am on Sunday when the eye passed 21 miles SW of the Grand Cayman with winds of 150 mph and gusts of 220 mph.

I look through these photos and the memories come flooding back. No cell phones, no water or electric for months, no mosquito plane, no air con, no internet, limited food supplies and the insurance ‘offices” as well as many other buildings were marked with arrows drawn on cardboard and stapled to whatever was around. 70% of homes  were severely damaged and over 50% of all the trees and cars destroyed. (Deep Blue Images)

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