Home Learning: Wednesday, April 1

Dear Parents,

Microsoft Team offers numerous functions (from allowing easier student/teacher discussions, questions, and answers to enabling teachers to upload files for students to access and vice versa), however, we require all students to be on the platform in order to use it properly. Mr. B and I will also continue post work daily on the blog.

Please see the video for how MT can be used in education: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0TlQXmFGdQ

Currently 85% of our Grade 4 to 6 students are using MT and it has allowed Mr. B and I to interact quicker and provide immediate guidance to students. Ideally, we want to move on to a few Zoom lessons, however, this is dependent on everyone accessing MT as Zoom is integrated into it.

We are trying very hard to find a balance and not further overwhelm parents, which is why we have tried to spread out the amount of information sent to you each week. However, the work that we assign to students should be done with little guidance from you as a parent, which is why gaining access to MT is important, so that we can continue to provide additional guidance and learning resources to your child.

Please email us if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Please click on this link to download Wednesday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Apr1

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
To set up Microsoft teams on your device or PC. For those students who did not get onto MT last week.



-We will use this tool to communicate.

-It will make things easier for us to share things as well



-Read the blog post and follow the instructions.


-This must be completed before any other work is done this morning.

-Once you’ve logged on, say Hi on my post in our team.


We need to set this up first because you will need access to all the resources on MT.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Microsoft team


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Students will:


– Discuss Christ’s promise of His second coming.



Before Jesus’s birth, people lived by faith in God’s promises. Prophesies of the coming Messiah gave them hope. In much the same way, the prophesies about Christ’s return give hope to Christians living today.


–    Seesaw:  https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=6OKr8zf3S7Kc0Szp5ij8fg&prompt_id=prompt.c9bbe7a1-406b-4490-abac-b528994231a2

–    Are you looking forward to Christ coming again? Tell me why? (Please remember to write in complete sentences. You can also record yourself speaking. Please answer this question in 3 or more sentences.)

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars




–    Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 9 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/X8uN96X7XXA


Stop and Think about the following:

1.             Why does Uncle Henrik say it is easier to be brave if you don’t know everything?

2.             Do you think of yourself as a brave person? Why or why not?

3.             Why does Annemarie say she is equals with Mama on page 79?

4.             Predict what will happen to the Rosens.



–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=XM8jdIGXQ26xy6eOyWLvmA&prompt_id=prompt.23aae53b-22b9-4abc-ba51-49ddf6378ba4


– Complete the following:



What happens to Annemarie in this chapter?


Please remember your grammar and mechanical rules (end mark, capital letters, proper nouns).

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources

Students will be able to share their opinions about a specific topic using facts and details.

Opinion Writing Post Assessment


Essential Question: How do writers support their opinion using facts and details?



– On Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=CftFyyE5RVeQOQc75vniUw&prompt_id=prompt.8fcf2d29-5dc4-4c6f-a151-8260d78d944f


Grades 4-6 students should be allowed to use their mobile phones during school time.

Do you agree with this statement? 


Write an opinion piece stating your opinion on this statement.  Remember it needs to include everything you have learned about opinion writing and debates (an introduction, at least 3 strong reasons for your opinion, and a conclusion for a total of 5).


You will have 3 days to submit your final piece – Due on Friday, April 3rd. This is our Post Assessment, so this is nothing new and the time limit is the same. Give yourself at least 30 minutes each day to work on this. Please look back over your writing composition book. You’ve been taught how to do this, so just put that into practice.


1. Create your draft

2. Proofread, edit, and improve your writing

3. Submit


Use the cheat sheet to help you to write your opinion piece.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet


Lesson Objective Activities Resources

Students will discover facts and details about our neighbor, Cuba.

Unit 5 – Our Neighbours to the North – DUE MONDAY, APRIL 6




– Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=hbvOu-hzTyS_yTEmeBIJpw&prompt_id=prompt.3096c72d-8208-49bc-b436-36ebec7b07ed


–    In your Social Studies textbook, read pages 62-65.

–    Explore the website, Wonderopolis (www.wonderopolis.org) to learn some new things about Cuba!

–    In the template provided, use the :label: tool to share what you discovered. Tell me:

–    Three things you remember from your reading;

–    Two things you thought were interesting from Wonderopolis; and

–    One question you still have.


–    Please use full sentences.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Social Studies Textbook


– To be able to multiply whole numbers. COLUMN METHOD MULTIPLICATION

–        Special method for multiplying larger numbers.

–        The parts of a multiplication sentence are the multiplicand, multiplier, and product.

–        Read the word sum and underline or circle important information.

–        Each word problem should be completed with the answer and a statement.


–        Log onto Seesaw – follow the activity instructions.

–        https://app.seesaw.me/#/login

–        Complete Seesaw task: Numeracy: Multiplication – 3 digit by 2 digit (Word Problems)


–        You must show your working out!

–        Refresher video if needed:

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVYwunbpMHA

–        Turtle method:

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hcKERTnNi0

Assessment on Thursday (04/02) – Column Method multiplication


– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Seesaw

– Pencil

– Ruler

– Math Composition book


Home Learning: Tuesday, March 31

Please click on this link to download Tuesday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar31


Lesson Objective



To set up Microsoft teams on your device or PC.

For those students who did not get onto MT last week.


-We will use this tool to communicate.
-It will make things easier for us to share things as well


-Read the blog post and follow the instructions.

– https://fbcs.edu.ky/grade4/2020/03/18/home-learning-microsoft-teams/

-This must be completed before any other work is done this morning. -Once you’ve logged on, say Hi on my post in our team.

We need to set this up first because you will need access to all the resources on MT.

– Access to internet
– Computer / Device
– Microsoft team


Lesson Objective



– Consider ways that God has made each person unique.


Did you know that once you were smaller than the dot on this ‘i’? You began as a single cell. Then the cell divided again and again as you grew. Scientists say that when you were smaller than a dot, many things about you had already been decided. God knew whether you were be a boy or a girl, tall or short, and athletic or artistic. He even knew what the color of your hair and eyes and the length of your fingers and toes would be. It had already been decided!

– Watch YouTube devotion- God’s Masterpiece Episode 5: https://youtu.be/ A53AZkD0HoQ

– Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?


faaf-4ce6-9d89-5382a468e496 – Complete the artwork below

– Access to internet

– Laptop/ Tablet

– Bible



– Watch YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/__eOThm6O7s
– (Optional – create black silhouette of you holding a straw)
– Choose a colour, take your paintbrush and put a wet dot of paint on your paper – Use the straw to blow the paint around, creating rivers of paint
– Repeat with different colors
– Try to create the exact same pattern in another painting.
– You probably can’t
– You are unique, and so are your painting.
– Upload your painting to Seesaw

  • –  White paper that is thick enough to withstand paint
  • –  Paint
  • –  Straw
  • –  Black Marker


Lesson Objective



– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas

– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars


– Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 8 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YU7SPCSvTy4

Stop and Think about the following:

  1. Why does Uncle Henrik need a wife?
  2. What could it mean for the weather to be good for fishing? Be morespecific than your previous answer.
  3. Who is great-aunt Birte?
  4. Why is the chapter called: There Has Been a Death?


– Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity? share_token=PozPcBGIQRuU7QHOCTNYuQ&prompt_id=prompt.d8ab1b 03-ffbd-4f41-a1ef-3615a58f7e11

– Complete the following:


Draw an illustration of what is happening in this story. Then fill in the story elements below.

– Access to internet – Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective



Students will:

  • –  Examine an opinion writing piece
  • –  Identify aspects of a student-written opinion writing piece
  • –  Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved

Doing Opinion Writing Well


– On Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity? share_token=dspm80ETRQiXqhUEOrEY9w&prompt_id=prompt.c72f520b-8 b86-4d5f-b8f2-28e753f504c9

See attached plans in link at the top of the page, or instructions on Seesaw.

– Access to internet – Laptop/tablet





– To be able to multiply whole numbers.


-Quizizz: Gr.4 Mental Math: Times Tables (6 – 9) -Code: 305500 (Expires 03/31 at 8am) -https://quizizz.com/join


-Log onto Seesaw – follow the activity instructions. -https://app.seesaw.me/#/login
-Complete Seesaw task: Numeracy: Multiplication – 3 digit by 2 digit -You must show your working out!
-Refresher video if needed: -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVYwunbpMHA
-Turtle method:

Assessment on Thursday (04/02) – Column Method multiplication

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Seesaw

– Quizizz

– Math composition book

– Pencil – Ruler





– To be able to identify and describe the five ocean zones.


– Review oceans, the ocean floor, and ocean zones.

Assessment on Friday, April 3

– Access to internet – Computer / Device – Go Formative





See plans on MT

See plans on Microsoft Teams

– Grade 4 – Files – Technology – Grade 4_Technology_Mar31

– Access to internet – Computer / Device

Home Learning: Monday, March 30

Dear Parents and Students,

The third quarter will close on the 8th of April, with report cards to follow a few weeks later. Mr. B and I have a range of grades for the various subjects but will be assessing remotely as well. It is vital that all tasks we’ve assigned for remote learning are completed and submitted. We’ve tried to keep the workload light in order to help some students catch up – Please check all of the platforms that we are currently using to check that everything has indeed been completed and submitted. [Seesaw / Mathletics / Quizizz / Go Formative]

NOTE: On Seesaw, please ensure that assignments are not just sitting as drafts, but have indeed been submitted. If this is not done, Mr. B and I will not be able to comment and either approve or send back for corrections.

Please click on this link to download Monday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar30

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
To set up Microsoft teams on your device or PC. For those students who did not get on to MT last week.



-We will use this tool to communicate.

-It will make things easier for us to share things as well



-Read the blog post and follow the instructions.


-This must be completed before any other work is done this morning.

-Once you’ve logged on, say Hi on my post in our team.


We need to set this up first because you will need access to all the resources on MT.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Microsoft team


Lesson Objective Activities Resources


–    Listen to https://youtu.be/7s5UwJLylOU

–    Say hi to Mr. B and I on the MT Chat and tell us what you’re thankful for this week.


ACTIVITY 2: Worship time


–    You can listen to these videos, or any other worship songs that you want. But, spend at least 15 minutes praising and worshiping God this morning.

–    Zach Williams – Old Church Choir – https://youtu.be/yOEviTLJOqo

–    Church Clap by KB feat. Lecrae – https://youtu.be/ACJt5wwrDdI

–    Mandisa – Overcomer – https://youtu.be/b8VoUYtx0kw

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars




–    Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 7 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-2P0P96UzAY


Stop and Think about the following:

1. Describe Uncle Henrik’s house.

2. Why can’t the girls visit with neighbors and play outside?

3. Which food makes them excited for supper?

4. How did you feel when you read the last line of the chapter? Why?




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=uOK7Dk-dSROF-TgFGI2c4A&prompt_id=prompt.0d79c3ef-bddf-436c-b674-5f67502d582c

–    Design a postcard to send to Papa in Copenhagen. Using the descriptions from the book, draw the countryside, the farm of Uncle Henrik, the seashore, or a fishing boat.

–    Then, write a message to Papa telling him of the trip to Uncle Henrik’s. Remember that the Nazis might intercept the mail, so you will need to write anything about Ellen in code.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
  Unit 5 Punctuation and Capitalization Assessment



–    Completed the following Quizziz assessments:

–    quizizz.com/join?gc=042021 – Code 042021

–    quizizz.com/join?gc=260895 – Code 260895


NOTE: Please finish any incomplete work on Seesaw.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet


– To be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers. ACTIVITY 1:

–       Log on to Mathletics: https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

–       Complete task 1: Find the missing number 2.

–       If you need help – click the “i” button on the top right.

–       Refresher video if needed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nfGW53Vr58



–       Complete task 2: Decreasing the pattern.

–       Refresher video if needed:

–       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-6uEtTBH7g



–        Complete any unfinished work or do corrections.

–        Check on Seesaw, Mathletics and Epic Reading.


–        https://app.seesaw.me/#/student/login

–        https://www.getepic.com/sign-in/educator

–        Class code: jhi7982

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Get Epic

– Seesaw


– To be able to identify and describe the five ocean zones. OCEAN ZONES

–        Scientists have divided the ocean into five main layers.

–        These layers, known as “zones”, extend from the surface to the most extreme depths where light can no longer penetrate.

–        As we dive deeper into these largely unexplored places, the temperature drops and the pressure increases at an astounding rate.

–        There are scientific and common names for the layers.


–        Log on to Go Formative: https://goformative.com/login

–        Username: [first name][first letter of last name][fbcs]

–        Example: lucashfbcs

–        Password: fbcs3227

–        Review your previous two tasks if you did not achieve 100%.


–        Click “Open” on the task named: Grade 4: Ocean Zones

–        Watch the video in the activity and answer the questions.

–        You may watch the video again to find the answers.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Go Formative


Physical Education – Week of March 30 – April 3: Stunts and Tumbling Unit Test
Objective Activities Resources
Demonstrate skills learned throughout this unit This week you will need to post two items on Seesaw in the Physical Education folder. 

1. Post your completed March Activity Log Calendar.

2. Post the video recording of your routine. (see details below)


Activity Guidelines:

1. You will create a gymnastic routine using the skills you learned throughout our Stunts and Tumbling Unit.   You will use the Spark Cards for a reference of the skills.  *These are located on your Microsoft Team’s Files.


2. You must include at least 12 stunts from the lessons.  There should be at least 4 stunts used from each section below:

–        Balance and Strength Skills

–        Jumping and Landing Skills

–        Weight and Transfer Skills (includes animal walks)

*You may add other skills you know, but your grade will be based on the 12 stunts from our unit.


3. Preform skills under control and with good form.


4. Make it creative and fun to watch.  You may include music if you like!


*If you have a sibling in 4th – 6th grade, you may work together to make one routine.


Unit Test Recording: Please ask a parent to help record your routine.  You will need to upload to your grade’s Seesaw account.


If the video is over 5 minutes long, it will not fix in Seesaw so you can email the video to Coach Kring at rkring@fbcs.edu.ky .


Please post your March Activity Log and unit test video to Seesaw or email to Coach Kring (rkring@fbcs.edu.ky)  by Sunday, April 5, 2020.

Device with video recorder and connection to internet










Spark Cards

(4 sets =

1. Balance and Strength

2. Jumping and Landing

3. Weight and Transfer

4. Animal Walks)


Home Learning: Friday, March 27

Please click on this link to download Friday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_LIT_Mar27

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
To set up Microsoft teams on your device or PC. MICROSOFT TEAMS:

-We will use this tool to communicate.

-It will make things easier for us to share things as well



-Read the blog post and follow the instructions.


-This must be completed before any other work is done this morning.

-Once you’ve logged on, say Hi on my post in our team.


We need to set this up first because you will need access to all the resources on MT.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Microsoft team


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Choose accurate descriptions of a biblical character, who was created in God’s image. ACTIVITY 1:


Although each person is unique, God created all people in His image. And all have great value in His eyes. No person was created by accident. God created each one for a purpose.


–    Watch YouTube devotion- God’s Masterpiece Episode 3: https://youtu.be/IgmPYcnnEZI




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=sCbcaM92Qrew5u7uRIzp8Q&prompt_id=prompt.f5c8a8dd-cb0e-4fd3-824a-1bfb1f810da6

– Complete the questions on the template attached.

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars




–    Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 6 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ch5CRBmS42A


Stop and Think about the following:

1.     What does it mean for the weather to be good for fishing?

2.     How does Mama convince Papa that it is easier for her to take the girls to Uncle Henrik’s house?

3.     Why is Uncle Henrik’s house safer?

4.     How did you feel when Kirsti said, “And guess what!”? What did the author do to create suspense?




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=nBdnTrSZT36ugja51OVclA&prompt_id=prompt.d0b9d295-b56f-4b6c-a178-62631de5e820


Good readers determine important points in every story they read. Create a comic strip of what has happened in this chapter.

–    You can either:

–    Draw and photograph your artwork and then upload it into Seesaw,

–    Draw in Seesaw,

–    Or, find photos online that help to summarize and upload them Seesaw

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Review learned objectives focused on Capitalization and Punctuation. Unit 5 Punctuation and Capitalization Check-Up



NOTE: Please finish any incomplete work on Seesaw. Mr. B and I will be following up on this throughout the week.


You will have your Unit 5 Quiz on Capitalization and Punctuation next Monday, March 30.

–    Laptop or tablet


– To be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers. ACTIVITY 1:

–       Log on to Mathletics: https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

–       Complete task 1: Increasing Patterns

–       If you need help – click the “i” button on the top right.


–        Complete any unfinished work or do corrections

–        Check on Seesaw and Mathletics

–        https://app.seesaw.me/#/student/login



–        Log on to Epic Reading

–        https://www.getepic.com/sign-in/educator

–        Class code: jhi7982


–        Read the assigned book: A Thousand Theos

–        Parents: Please make sure that you have confirmed your child’s full account. (Check your email from last week)


– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Get Epic


– To be able to identify the different parts of the ocean floor. THE OCEAN FLOOR

–        The bottom of the ocean is called the ocean floor. Just like the land above the surface, the ocean floor has mountains, volcanoes, deep trenches, and plants and animals.

–        The outside layer of the Earth is called the crust.

–        There is the continental and oceanic crust.

–        The crust of the Earth isn’t just one layer of rock. It’s made of big plates with cracks in between, kind of like a puzzle.


–        Log on to Go Formative: https://goformative.com/login


–        Username: [first name][first letter of last name][fbcs]

–        Example: lucashfbcs

–        Password: fbcs3227


–        Click “Open” on the task named: Grade 4: The Ocean Floor

–        Watch the video in the activity and answer the questions.

–        You may watch the video again to find the answers.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Go Formative


Home Learning: Thursday, March 26

Please click on this link to download Thursday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar26


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Examine ways that God has created them in His image. ACTIVITY 1:


–    Watch YouTube devotion- God’s Masterpiece Episode 2: https://youtu.be/FaXFR1jEE8w




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=_C3TJ0j-T12WUrKyrlctFA&prompt_id=prompt.70418020-2d82-4e1a-b9b7-efef9b7c7865

–    God created people in His image. There are several ways that people are God’s image bearers. Use the words:
to complete the following article. When you are finished, reread the article.


– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars – Chapters Quiz




–    Chapters 1-5 Quiz

–    Quizizz: quizizz.com/join?gc=251879

–    Code: 251879



–    Catch up on any missed activities.


– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Review learned objectives focused on Capitalization and Punctuation. Unit 5 Punctuation and Capitalization Check-Up



NOTE: Please finish any incomplete work on Seesaw. Mr. B and I will be following up on this throughout the week.


You will have your Unit 5 Quiz on Capitalization and Punctuation next Monday, March 30.


–    Laptop or tablet


– To be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers. Log on to Mathletics: https://login.mathletics.com/#/student


There will be 3 tasks for you to complete – Please do them in the correct order!


If you need help – click the “i” button on the top right.



–        Complete task 1: Find the missing number 1


–        Complete task 2: Fact families: Multiply and Divide


–        Complete task 3: Multiplication Arrays


–        Complete any unfinished work

–        Log on to Seesaw (I only assigned 2 activities over the past week) or complete incomplete ML tasks.


–         If you have completed everything and want something to do, play games in the “Play” section on ML. (Web browser only)

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Seesaw


– To be able to name the 7 continents and 5 oceans. OCEANS

–        There are 5 main oceans

–        Ocean water is salt water.

–        70% of Earth is covered in water.

–        97% of that water is salt water.

–        Salt water and fresh water are different.

–        Seas are usually smaller and less deep than oceans. An ocean is a vast and a continuous frame of salty water.


–        Log on to Go Formative: https://goformative.com/login


–        Username: [first name][first letter of last name][fbcs]

–        Example: lucashfbcs

–        Password: fbcs3227


–        Click “Open” on the task named: Grade 4: Continents and Oceans.

–        Watch the video in the activity and answer the questions.

–        You may watch the video again to find the answers.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Go Formative


Physical Education – Stunts and Tumbling Unit
Objective  Activities  Resources 
To demonstrate assorted animal walks Warmups: Just Dance the Monkey Dance



Activity: Attempt each skill from the Animal Walks Spark Cards for at least one minute each.


If you are able, hold a competition between you and your sibling or parent. You can race across your play area (bear, seal, inchworm, or crab walk) or compete to see who can do the skill the longest (mule kick or crab kick).


*Don’t forget to record your activities done each day on your calendar.  (Activity Log – sent by email from Coach Kring March 17)

Computer / Device with access to internet


Animal Walks Spark Cards (See link above)


Home Learning, Wednesday, March 25

Please click on this link to download Monday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar25

Please click on this link to download this week’s Spanish home learning information: grade 4 March 23-26 2nd lesson pan Spanish grade 4 1st Lesson plan March 23-26

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Examine ways that God has created them in His image. ACTIVITY 1:


–    Watch YouTube devotion- God’s Masterpiece: https://youtu.be/TRNyMnEAdWk




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=K5QgNMsqSXCnW1PwP28Jkw&prompt_id=prompt.774bcae1-f070-4318-8187-e72bd35fe835

–    God created you in His image. God’s image is His likeness. Find out some ways that you are God’s image bearer, like your ability to have fellowship with God and others.

–    On Seesaw, read Bible verses and choose the word that best completes the sentences according to the Scriptures.

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars



– Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 5 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/BANttC_j4AM

Stop and Think about the following:

1. Why did Annemarie take Ellen’s necklace off?

2. Do you think Papa should have shown the photographs even though it was risky?

3. Why did the Nazis ration electricity?

4. What was Hitler’s goal when he ordered soldiers to look for Jews?



–    Catch up on any missed activities.

–    Use this time wisely…review chapters 1-5 and complete any activities that you have not done.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Review learned objectives focused on Capitalization and Punctuation. Unit 5 Punctuation and Capitalization Check-Up



Quizzes: quizizz.com/join?gc=080202

Code: 080202



Quizzes: quizizz.com/join?gc=317169

Code: 317169


NOTE: Please finish any incomplete work on Seesaw. Mr. B and I will be following up on this throughout the week.


You will have your Unit 5 Quiz on Capitalization and Punctuation next Monday, March 30.

–    Laptop or tablet


– To be able to multiply fractions by a whole number. MULTIPLY FRACTIONS BY A WHOLE NUMBER

–        Put the whole number on top of a denominator of 1.

–        For example: We have 6 wholes therefore it will be

–        Fractions are division. So, 6 divided by 1 equals 6 wholes

–        Multiply across: Denominator multiply by denominator and numerator multiply by numerator.

–        Remember to simplify your final answer!

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNQXhknSwrI


–        Log on to Seesaw and review your activities from Monday and Tuesday. (Adding and Subtracting mixed numbers)

–        https://app.seesaw.me/#/student/login

–        Do corrections if necessary.


–        Watch the video

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWGTeutbW2U

–        Open your composition book to the next clean page.

–        Follow our usual layout!!!

–        Heading: Multiplying Fractions        Date: 03/25/2020

–        Rule off after your heading!

–        Objective: To be able to multiply fractions by a whole number.

–        Go to https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

–        Complete task: Fraction by a whole number and do your working out in your composition book.

–        If you get stuck, press the “i” button for help or watch the video again

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Seesaw

– Pencil

– Ruler

– Math Composition book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources


–    See blog link for Spanish Lesson Plans


Home Learning, Tuesday, March 24

Please click on this link to download Monday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_LIT_Mar24

Please click on this link to download this week’s Technology home learning information: Gr 4_Technology

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Examine ways that God has created them in His image. ACTIVITY 1:

–    Watch YouTube devotion- God’s Masterpiece: https://youtu.be/8FMTe01gEB4




–    Create your own play dough and create something from it. Try uploading it to Seesaw for everyone to see.

–    Here’s the recipe or log on for step by step instructions: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/playdough-recipe

–    Did you know you can make playdough in next to no time from everyday ingredients found in your kitchen cupboards?

You will need

•           8 tbsp plain flour

•           2 tbsp table salt

•           60ml warm water

•           food colouring (not needed but fun)

•           1 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.

2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.

3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring.

4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh.

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible



– 8 tbsp plain flour

– 2 tbsp table salt

– 60ml warm water

– food colouring (not needed but fun)

– 1 tbsp vegetable oil


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars



– Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 4 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/dAVAlZGb6RQ

Stop and Think about the following:

1. Why does Ellen have to stay at the Johansen’s house?

2. Why can’t the Johansen family hide all of the Rosen family?3. Who will Ellen pretend to be from now on?

4. How does Peter help in this chapter?



On Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=JKKMCnE8S0i3-Tz8ftuRag&prompt_id=prompt.6e2e5062-1879-4d92-b556-2565c2d99a60

–   How’s Your Character Feeling?

After listening to Chapter 4, please give me three examples, explaining and describing how characters are feeling in the book so far. Please remember to give evidence by providing the chapter that your example can be found in.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
–    Capitalize the first, last, and important words in a series


– Underline a title to indicate italics

Unit 5.9 – Titles


Using Seesaw:https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=s3Jr-k6WQPeEmR0rQnOGbw&prompt_id=prompt.e5b54e0a-0a70-4f59-b4eb-25d87f35eeff



–    Listen to my voice instructions on Seesaw as you read along there or on page 186 in the English textbook:

–    When you write the title of a book, a magazine, or a newspaper, capitalize the first, the last, and each important word. Capitalize words like an, in, of, to, a, and the only when they are the first of last word in the title.

–    EXAMPLE: Children of the Midnight Sun


–    In print, the titles of books, magazines, and newspapers are set off by italics. Since you can’t write in italics, always underline the title of a book, a magazine, or a newspaper.

–    EXAMPLE: Is Tom Sawyer your favorite book?



–    Now, complete the assigned activity on Seesaw.


NOTE: Please finish any incomplete work on Seesaw. Mr. B and I will be following up on this throughout the week.

–    Laptop or tablet

–    English textbook page 186


– To be able to add and subtract like and unlike mixed numbers. (Assessment) EMAIL ME IF YOU CAN’T ACCESS SEESAW.


–        Quizizz: Addition & Subtraction 2

–        Code: 876449(Expires 03/25 at 8am)

–        https://quizizz.com/join



–        Videos for help (If required)

–        Add mixed numbers:

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pynfj2bYRms

–        Subtract mixed numbers:

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqUPSZLwHH0

–        Simplify fractions:

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtBUQH8Tkqc



–        Review yesterday’s activity and do corrections if needed.

–        Complete the Seesaw activity.

–        https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=bZzZd4L3Rq-HcmyjyDMIeQ&prompt_id=prompt.ce2db277-603f-41a1-9bd1-ebbddf8de08e

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Quizizz

– Seesaw

– Pencil

– Ruler

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
This lesson introduces you to while loops and if / else statements. ACTIVITY 1:


–    Open the attached link on Technology Lesson Plans on the blog.

–    https://studio.code.org/home

–    While loops are loops that continue to repeat commands as long as a condition is true.

–    While loops are used when the programmer doesn’t know the exact number of times the commands need to be repeated, but the programmer does know what condition needs to be true in order for the loop to continue looping.

–    If / Else statements offer flexibility in programming by running entire sections of code only if something is true, otherwise it runs something else.

–    Complete Lesson 4 (Please remember to read the instructions from Ms. Kirsten that are attached in the blog.)



–    Log on to https://firstbaptistcs.typingpal.com/

–    Complete Exercise 35, 36, 37

–    Remember that your goal is to progress to blind typing so focus on the correct hand position and trying not to look down at the keyboard.

–    Don’t worry about your speed and accuracy –making mistakes will help train your brain to learn where the letters are

–    Have fun and remember you are a super star typer.

–    Laptop or tablet


Home Learning: Monday, March 23

Dear Parents and Students,

We are into our second week of our new normal and things still feel strange and surreal. Ms.Suckoo and I would like to thank you for your constant feedback and for the amazing adjustment your families have made in the space of one week. We are still concerned that some students are not doing their work and we ask that you please email us should you be experiencing any issues – we are a team after all!

A reminder that we will be posting daily on the blog. Between the two of us, we will try to determine how much work is enough on a daily basis. However, we will be doing a survey this week to gain more information from families to help us plot our next few steps.

We hope to be sending out information regarding Microsoft Teams (MT) this week. Once everyone is on MT, we hope to have our first video lesson and see if everyone is able to access the platform.

All the best for the week! We miss you all. Please let us know if you need help with anything.

Please click on this link to download Monday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar23


Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources


–    Watch YouTube devotion (You may see me!): https://youtu.be/S_Bvub6qXZM




–   Watch at least 3 videos that will help to encourage you today.

–   I’m attaching some links that’d we’d normally listen to in class:

–   Crowder, Run Devil Run: https://youtu.be/US1-R-R9lYQ

–    Lecrae, TELL THE WORLD: https://youtu.be/Yc8x33lAnAk

–    Santus Real, Confidence: https://youtu.be/DuZPOVFcFJ4

YouTube link for Devotion: https://youtu.be/S_Bvub6qXZM


– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible




Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars



– Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 3 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-7__Psx-1k8

Stop and Think about the following:

1. Why did Mrs. Hirsh close her shop?

2. What is the news that Peter delivers to the family?

3. How does this affect Annemarie?

4. Why does Annemarie seem mature and immature at the same time?


On Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=ziGEzzxqTDyl42shGZzU0w&prompt_id=prompt.68b608f3-d007-4849-b3b3-ed7a4ad34f2d

–   PREDICTING: Good readers use the author’s clues to help them think about what could happen next. Draw the picture that appears in your mind.

–   Explain your picture and give a reason for why you think it will happen.

YouTube –
Chapter 3: https://youtu.be/-7__Psx-1k8 Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=ziGEzzxqTDyl42shGZzU0w&prompt_id=prompt.68b608f3-d007-4849-b3b3-ed7a4ad34f2d 
– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book



Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
– Identify direct quotations in sentences


– Use quotation marks before and after a direct quote


– Understand the difference between direct and indirect quotation

Using Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=O9oVchf5QrKLtU9C1qOzzA&prompt_id=prompt.fa27527b-6055-4091-9498-9bd59fe78f41



– Review Direct Quotations with the help of this video: https://youtu.be/VD5IN7Qw0z4



– Then, use your knowledge of dialogue from last week, to insert quotation marks and commas in the correct spots.

Seesaw Link: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=O9oVchf5QrKLtU9C1qOzzA&prompt_id=prompt.fa27527b-6055-4091-9498-9bd59fe78f41


YouTube Link for review: https://youtu.be/VD5IN7Qw0z4

– Laptop or tablet





– To be able to add and subtract like and unlike mixed numbers. EMAIL ME IF YOU CAN’T ACCESS SEESAW.


·       Quizizz: Multiplication and Division

·       Code: 598431(Expires 03/24 at 8am)

·       https://quizizz.com/join


·       When adding and subtracting fractions, the denominators have to be the same.

·       Either you have to divide or multiply the denominator and numerator.

·       Remember the rule: What you do to the bottom, you must do to the top. What you do to the top, you must do to the bottom.


·       Watch video link – Subtracting mixed numbers (Converting denominators)

·       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORyhjp3-HYI

·       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPOSnD02DQc

·       Complete the Seesaw activity.

·       https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=kZIYjxPzRvaEl1hAFnEFag&prompt_id=prompt.760c81b0-de7a-4555-ad03-49e5c746e144


·       Complete unfinished Mathletics tasks

·       Go to https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Quizizz

– Seesaw

– Pencil

– Ruler






Physical Education – Stunts and Tumbling Unit
Objective Activities Resources
To demonstrate weight transfer skills Warmups: Just Dance Kids ABC



Activity: Find a soft area to complete today’s activity, such as a yoga mat, carpet floor, or grass lawn.


Attempt each skill from the Weight Transfer Spark Cards 5 times.


*Don’t forget to record your activities done each day on your calendar.  (Activity Log – sent by email from Coach Kring March 17)

Computer / Device with access to internet


Weight Transfer Spark Cards

(See Blog Link)


Home Learning, Friday, March 20

Please click on this link to download Friday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar20

Lesson Objective Activities Links and Resources
Examine Scripture about the Holy Spirit and complete exercises on the basis of what they have read. ACTIVITY 1:


– Watch YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/oGMCA_aUY4c

– The Holy Spirit is one of the three Persons in the Trinity. He appeared in the form of a dove at Jesus’s baptism.




– Log on to Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=iSm63VvTSxO_5hyaQ0EzOg&prompt_id=prompt.035c78fe-fa3d-4804-bfbf-0e80acf12a27

– On Seesaw: Read John 14:16-18 and 14:25-26. Then complete the paragraph using the words in the word box.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/oGMCA_aUY4c


Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=iSm63VvTSxO_5hyaQ0EzOg&prompt_id=prompt.035c78fe-fa3d-4804-bfbf-0e80acf12a27

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Links and Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars



– Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 2 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/F9yoIN3bptA

Stop and Think about the following:

1. Describe King Christian.

2. Why did King Christian allow the Nazi soldiers to invade Denmark?

3. What happened to Lise?

4. How had Peter, Mama, and Papa changed?


On Seesawhttps://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=rthS_U7MTdegK4iP82mjeg&prompt_id=prompt.a9fef7ba-a128-4b8b-9ae1-30ddd9b4afdb

– Pick 3-5 important quotations from your chapter. Explain the other character’s reaction to the quote.

Seesaw Link:  https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=rthS_U7MTdegK4iP82mjeg&prompt_id=prompt.a9fef7ba-a128-4b8b-9ae1-30ddd9b4afdb


– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book




Lesson Objective Activities Links and Resources
Students will be write a creative, short story. Using Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=yxvBy27dRAyDadQBG4W4Sw&prompt_id=prompt.003a5e14-2cec-45f7-b4bd-74a619e67eb2

Complete the following journal piece:

Using emojis in the place of words, write a silly story using this sentence starter:

I woke up and heard a BANG…

Seesaw Link: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=yxvBy27dRAyDadQBG4W4Sw&prompt_id=prompt.003a5e14-2cec-45f7-b4bd-74a619e67eb2


– Laptop or tablet


– Review of mixed numbers MENTAL MATHS:

–        Quizizz: Mental Math

–        Code: 844086

–        https://quizizz.com/join



–        Keeping today’s lesson simple as 12 students have unfinished Mathletics tasks.

–        Review of mixed numbers (If needed for support): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk2oP6FZ6HA



–        Watch video link – Mixed numbers song

–        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be4MoTkE1hU

–        Click link below and answer the questions.

–       Username: FBCS_Staff       Password:FBCS3227

–    https://www.brainpop.com/math/numbersandoperations/mixednumbers/quiz/


–        Complete unfinished Mathletics tasks

–        Go to https://login.mathletics.com/#/student


– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Quizizz

– Pencil

– Ruler

– Math composition book (For ML tasks)



MUSIC – Week Beginning March 16
Lesson Objective Activities Links and Resources
“Baroque Period Review”


-Recognize that the three most notable composers of the Baroque Period were Vivalid, Handel, and Bach.

-Recall that the Baroque orchestra was small, had no conductor, and featured the harpsichord.

-Recall that trills, turns, and appogiaturas were ornaments used to make music fancy in the Baroque period.

Main Lesson:


1) Welcome to the Baroque Period

2) Musical Periods in History (Review)

3) Musical Periods Song (Review)

4) Baroque Period Episode (You do not need to watch unless your child expresses the need to review)

5) My Baroque Day (NEW)

6) Famous Baroque Composers (Review)

7) Talk To Bach (Review)

8) Talk to Vivaldi (Review)

9) Talk to Handel (Review)

10) Great Composers of the Baroque Period  (NEW)

11) Train the Brain Baroque Period (Review)

12) The Baroque Period Quirky Quiz (Review)

13) The Baroque Period Assessment (ASSESSMENT TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE END OF THE WEEK – janelle@sparkcayman.com)

14) Baroque or Not Baroque (NEW)

15) Quiz Challenge (Review)


Extension Activity:

Pick one song to explore:


1) Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

2) “Winter” from the Four Seasons

3) Hallelujah from Messiah

www.quavermusic.com (login information attached)


-Computer or device


-Access to internet


-Baroque Period Assessment


Home Learning: Thursday, March 19

Please click on this link to download Thursday’s home learning:GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar19 (Update)

Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
Study and respond to various passages of Scripture that describe the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. ACTIVITY 1:

– Get together with a family and share facts that you know about each other. (Simple facts like favourite colour, favourite foods, etc)

– You know these facts about each other because you have a relationship with each other.

– Similarly, God the Father and God the Son have a relationship with each other, but this one is very unique and unlike any human relationship.

– Today’s lesson is about these 2 Persons of the Godhead, Their relationship, and how Their relationship applies to believers.



–    Log on to www.seesaw.com.

–    Click on I’m a Student

–    Type in text code that was emailed to your parents (you do not need to enter any email address)


–    Complete Bible activity:

–    Read the Bible verses and answer the questions. You may type or record your voice to answer these questions.

Seesaw: www.seesaw.com – Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas

Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars



– Go back into our Number the Stars Padlet page: https://padlet.com/tsuckoo/qdv24wmbn0p3

Password: read4

– Review everyone’s WWII findings from yesterday. Did you learn something new?



–    Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 1 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/t83wqXFqb7w


1. Who are Ellen, Annemarie, and Kirsti?

2. Why do the two sisters act so differently around the soldiers? What can you infer about their personalities? 

3. Why hasnt there been cupcakes or coffee?

4. Why does Kirsti stand out to the German soldiers?



– Complete Seesaw activity, discussing Annemarie:


Padlet Link:


Password: read4

Seesaw Link: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=8X9bNRIcTCuf26PEOdbsbg&prompt_id=prompt.e5759c59-0209-4872-a99d-edc11f8a60fe

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
Identify and describe our Central American neighbours. Students have been working on an assigned Central American brochure. Instead of finalizing this brochure, they will transfer their information into Seesaw, so that we all can continue to learn from each other about other countries. They will need to:


–    Follow the instructions on the Seesaw Central American assignment to create your project.



NOTE: This will be spread over 2 days, so please complete half today, and the other half will be completed next Monday.

Seesaw Link: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=EXn9fz1RSvijEl3Pc-kk-A&prompt_id=prompt.e60825b2-9e49-47d3-8094-c0dac2c02644 – Access to

internet for research


– Laptop/Tablet


Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
Students will be able to share their opinions about a specific topic using facts and details. Opinion Writing – Quick Write – 1 HOUR

Essential Question: How do writers support their opinion using facts and details?

I Can Statement: I can share my opinion supported by facts and details.


Log on to Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=79JRuGeFT9OtcTxi8WObFA&prompt_id=prompt.1d27ecf0-bccd-4328-9eed-a67e146afd89

Using the note attached, write 5 paragraphs stating your opinion on:
Do you think students should be forced to do online schooling, even though school is out?

Remember, a good OPINION paragraph will have these things:
1. An introduction that gets your reader’s attention (start with a question or interesting fact about your topic).
2. Three to five sentences that include specific facts and details to support your opinions (use facts from articles you have read or information you have gathered).
3. A conclusion that summarizes your opinion. Don’t forget to use capitals and punctuation!


– Proofread and edit your writing

Seesaw Link: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=79JRuGeFT9OtcTxi8WObFA&prompt_id=prompt.1d27ecf0-bccd-4328-9eed-a67e146afd89 – Laptop or tablet


– To be able to subtract like fractions and mixed numbers MENTAL MATHS:

·       Quizizz: Addition and subtraction

·       Code: 659838

·       https://quizizz.com/join



·       When we subtract numbers, fractions must have the same denominator.

·       Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqUPSZLwHH0

·       Subtract whole numbers, subtract fractions

·       You may need to convert to improper fractions (We have done this in class – refer to your book)

·       All answers must be simplified. Start by trying to divide by 2.

·       Remember the rule: whatever you do to the top, you do to the top.

·       Watch the video for help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtBUQH8Tkqc



·       Open your composition book to the next clean page.

·       Follow our usual layout!!!

·       Heading: Subtracting Fractions        Date: 03/19/2020

·       Rule off after your heading! (Yes, Ledger – use a ruler)

·       Objective: To be able to subtract like fractions and mixed numbers

·       Go to https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

·       Complete task 1: Subtract like mixed numbers

·       Write out each sum in your book, show your working out and enter your answer into Mathletics. (10 in total)

·       Rule off after your work is completed!

·       Once you’ve finished – Check that all past tasks are complete

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Pencil

– Ruler

– Math composition book



Grade 4

Hello, Parents!

This week in Grade 4 Music, we are focusing on “Baroque Period Review”. I’ve attached the login information for all Grade 4 students for Quaver Music which will allow both of you to work together to navigate your way through the interactive lesson. There are many sections to the lesson and it can be completed in one sitting or you can divide your time up over the course of the next few days. Many of the resources I’ve provided for this week will be review from what they have done in class – students do not need to go through every single activity. I have only provided this in the event that they would like to review any of the information as some time has passed or they may not have fully understood from last lesson as we didn’t have time to solidify.


You can find this week’s lesson in the “ASSIGNMENTS” section of the dashboard. Once you are in the assigned lesson for the week, you can navigate your way through from the beginning, which outlines this week’s objectives, activities, and some extension activities I’ve chosen to help you solidify what they have learned (not mandatory, but encouraged). If you click on “Instructions” on each activity of the lesson, you will see some helpful tips to walk you through how to support and guide your child throughout the lesson. This week’s Lesson Outline can be found below:





MUSIC – Week Beginning March 16
Lesson Objective Activities Links Resources
“Baroque Period Review”


-Recognize that the three most notable composers of the Baroque Period were Vivalid, Handel, and Bach.

-Recall that the Baroque orchestra was small, had no conductor, and featured the harpsichord.

-Recall that trills, turns, and appogiaturas were ornaments used to make music fancy in the Baroque period.

Main Lesson:


1) Welcome to the Baroque Period

2) Musical Periods in History (Review)

3) Musical Periods Song (Review)

4) Baroque Period Episode (You do not need to watch unless your child expresses the need to review)

5) My Baroque Day (NEW)

6) Famous Baroque Composers (Review)

7) Talk To Bach (Review)

8) Talk to Vivaldi (Review)

9) Talk to Handel (Review)

10) Great Composers of the Baroque Period  (NEW)

11) Train the Brain Baroque Period (Review)

12) The Baroque Period Quirky Quiz (Review)

13) The Baroque Period Assessment (ASSESSMENT TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE END OF THE WEEK – janelle@sparkcayman.com)

14) Baroque or Not Baroque (NEW)

15) Quiz Challenge (Review)


Extension Activity:

Pick one song to explore:


1) Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

2) “Winter” from the Four Seasons

3) Hallelujah from Messiah

www.quavermusic.com (login information attached) -Computer or device


-Access to internet


-Baroque Period Assessment