Practice Makes Perfect

I am so proud of Grade 4! They did super-duper well last night and made me so proud to be their teacher. Here are a couple of photos of us practicing with the professional help of Mrs. Nasaria Suckoo-Chollette. 

Lunch and Permission Form

June 11, 2012


Dear Parents,


Please sign the permission form below, allowing your child to travel to Rum Point for our End-of-Year party. We are also in need of transportation, so let me know if you are available to drive a few students.


Please also select an option from the below list for your child to eat during our lunch there and kindly attach the payment.


Menu Options:


Option 1:

Chicken Tenders (3 tenders)

Hot Dog

Burger – no cheese (4oz burger)

Burger with cheese (4oz burger)

Grilled Cheese


All meals include:

· French Fries

· Choice of Soda – Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, 7-Up or Ginger Ale


$7.00 C.I./Student – Inclusive of 15% gratuity


Option 2:

Add 1 Cup of Hagan Dazs Ice Cream


$10.00C.I./ Student Inclusive of 15% gratuity

Thank you as usual for your support through-out this year. You have helped to make this Grade 4 an amazing and unforgettable year.

God Bless,

Ms. Suckoo







My child, _________________________________ has permission to attend our End-of-Year Party at Rum Point on June 19, 2012. We will be leaving at approximately 8:45 a.m. and returning before the end of school.



___ Yes, I am available to carry ______ (number of students).

___ I’m sorry, I am unable to assist with transportation this time.


Lunch Choice: __________________________________________________________

Amount of Money Attached: ___________





Parent/Guardian Signature

Measuing Volume in Cubic Units

Today in Math, we focused on measuing volume in cubic units. It can be a tricky topic, so I broke it down for everyone. Please allow your child to use this blog tonight if they need any help with their homework. 🙂

Parent Newsletter – JUNE EVENTS

Dear Parent,

I do hope you have had a productive day. Just to remind you of some of our events taking place for the month of June.

June 5 – Friday 8, 2012 – Global Awareness Week:

Grade 4 is representing one of the South America countries “Chile”. We have been learning about this country in our different classes. During this week, we will have Chapel every morning where different speakers will highlight different countries in the continent of South America.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Children are asked to dress in colours of the country the class represents.

June 11 – June 16, 2012:- Olympic Week

Our country for this event is also Chile. We are asked to wear the colours representing our country.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Parade Day: – Dress in Chile’s colours (Red, Blue or White)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Awards & Concert Night

Concert (only) Grade 4 will be performing the Fairy Tale by Nasaria Suckoo-Cholette. Boys will need to dress with dark coloured pants and a dress shirt.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dress in Sports Wear

Soccer Competitions: K – 6 (1:00 – 2:30)

Staff Soccer Competition


Friday, June 15, 2012

Olympic: Closing Ceremony

PowerPoint Presentation on the different countries represented in the Olympic (All are invited.)



Field Trip

Our class is planning a field trip to the Rum Point. The proposed date is Tuesday, June 19, 2012. I am still awaiting the Menu confirmation. Parents will be asked to provide transportation. Please see me if you are able to drive some of us to and from Rum Point.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pajama Class Party


Salt Crystals!

We continued our matter investigation after we found out that when salt was mixed with water, it became a solution. A solution is a kind of mixture, in which different kinds of matter are mixed completely with each other. We wanted to see if there was any way to separate the salt from the water again, without using heat. So, we added out salt water solution to a cup and placed a small piece of black construction paper inside of it and “voilà”…the water evaporates and the salt crystals form on the black paper! 🙂           

Matter Matters

 Which Solids Will Dissolve?In Science, we focused on dissolving matter…trying to figure out which solids will dissolve. We experimented with sand, salt, baking powder and soda and dirt. Be sure to ask your child about the experminent and about which ones dissolved and those that didn’t, what the scientific term for it is (suspension – when ingredients do not dissolve, but raise to the top).