Objectives and Homework for November 30 – December 4, 2015

English: – Identify nouns in a sentence.

– Distinguish between common and proper nouns.

– Identify singular and plural nouns.

– Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

Reading – Fish in a Tree: – *sigh* We finished the book. (sob…sob…cheer…cheer…)

Our book report project was sent home. Please check with your child and send back the piece that needs to be returned. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions on our Character Dress-Up Book Report. This is due to be presented on December 4.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Spelling: – There will be no spelling test this week, as kids finalize their Fish in a Tree project.

Math: Identify, describe and extend numeric and non-numeric patterns.

– Find and use rules to write addition and subtraction equations.

Science: – Assessment on Life Cycles of Plants

– Describe the water cycle.

Social Studies: – List 4 facts about Christmas in France.

– Describe events listed about a German Christmas.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Evaluate times of thankfulness through prayer and appreciating others.

– Apply the practice of Thanksgiving through prayer.

God exalted Him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. Philippians 2:9


MATH: page 89 Reteach (fat) Book

ENGLISH: English Workbook page 19

* Please send in a 3-ring binder with your child this week. This will be used for their portfolio to store their best and favourite pieces of work.


CLASS NOVEL: Finalize Class Novel


CLASS NOVEL: Finalize Class Novel

ENGLISH: page 21 English Workbook


ENGLISH: page 25 Workbook

MATH: page 37 Homework Practice Book

Fish in a Tree Book Report

Dear Students,

For Fish in a Tree’s book report, you will think about the main characters. Which one is the most interesting to you? On Friday, December 4, 2015, you will come to class dressed as the character of your choice from this book!

You will give a presentation to your classmates in which you introduce yourself and describe the main events of the book from your character’s point of view.

Example: “Hello! My name is Mrs. Nickerson. I am going to tell you about a few of the highlights that happened to me in the book, Fish in a Tree….”

In addition to your presentation,

  1. You will write (or type) a three-paragraph summary on a piece of lined paper. The paragraphs should be written from the point of view of your character! The first paragraph will tell a summary of the book. Remember, a summary tells about the main idea of the story but does not give away the ending!
  1. The second paragraph should tell about your favorite part of the book.
  1. The third paragraph should include the most important lesson/lessons that you learned while reading Fish in a Tree.
  1. You may use this paper to help you during your presentation.
  1. I will be grading you on your written summary of the book as well as your presentation.

It is NOT necessary to purchase any items for your costume. You may bring in small props from home, use old clothing, make homemade props, etc, (Props such as toy knives, swords, or guns are not allowed.)

Be creative in your choice of character, your clothing, and the way you present yourself to your class. Have fun!

Objectives and Homework for November 23-27, 2015

English: –  Persuasive Writing – Turkey Wants a Hot-dog

(The kids have to write a persuasive writing piece, persuading me not to eat poor Tom the Turkey for Thanksgiving.)

Reading – Fish in a Tree: – *sigh* We finished the book. (sob…sob…cheer…cheer…)

Our book report project was sent home. Please check with your child and send back the piece that needs to be returned. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions on our Character Dress-Up Book Report. This is due to be presented on December 4.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Spelling: – Study for spelling test this Friday.

Math: – Write the value of expressions.

–  Solve addition and subtraction equations.

– Identify extra or missing information.

Science: – Assessment on Life Cycles of Plants

Social Studies: – Use text evidence to answer questions based on Australia’s Christmas.

–  List facts about Christmas in Brazil.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Identify descriptions for the categories of the books of the Bible.

– Express several purposes of the Bible.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Romans 3:23-24



CLASS NOVEL: Work on Fish in a Tree Project

* Please send in a 3-ring binder with your child this week. This will be used for their portfolio to store their best and favourite pieces of work.


SPELLING: Lions: page 27-28, Dolphins and Dragons: Complete Tic-Tac-Toe square

MATH: page 33 HP (Lions 1-6, 10-11, 14, 16-19)


CLASS NOVEL: Work on Fish in a Tree Project


MATH: page 34 HP (1-6, 11-12, 15-18, 21-22)

SPELLING: Lions: page 30, Dolphins and Dragons: Complete final Tic-Tac-Toe

Multiples and Factors

Multiples and Factors can be a bit tricky at times. Here is a fun video that we watched in class today to help us remember how to identify multiples and factors for whole numbers.


Objectives and Homework for November 16-20, 2015

English: – Read a published model of a persuasive essay.

– Identify key points in creating a persuasive writing piece.

– Persuasive Writing – Turkey Wants a Hot-dog

Reading – Fish in a Tree: – This is a bitter sweet week for me. We will be reading chapters the final chapters of Fish in a Tree this week. Be sure to ask your child about the ending of what can now be listed as one of my favourite Grade 4 novels.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Our book report project was sent home on Friday. Please check with your child and send back the piece that needs to be returned. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions on our Character Dress-Up Book Report.

Spelling: – Study for spelling test this Friday.

Math: – Multiply 3 factors.

– Find factors and multiples of whole numbers.

– Study Guide and Review

NOTE: Chapter 4 Test on Friday.

Science: – Assessment on Life Cycles of Plants

Social Studies: – Identify the links between Central America and the Cayman Islands.

– Unit 4 Round-Up

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Demonstrate understanding of God’s presence with them personally.

– Identify ways we can become more aware of God’s presence in our everyday life.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5



MATH: page 31 Homework Practice Book 1-8, 13-16, 21, 22-24

* Please send in a 3-ring binder with your child this week. This will be used for their portfolio to store their best and favourite pieces of work.


SPELLING: Write spelling 3 times. Write a rhyming word or phrase for each.

MATH: Reteach (fat book) page 79


READING: Read for 20 min. & complete section from Reading Comprehension

CLASS NOVEL: People research (handout needed)


MATH: page 29 Homework Practice (Lions 1-12, 21, 23-25)

SPELLING: Finish spelling list from class. STUDY.

Objectives and Homework for November 9-13, 2015

English: – Recognize simple, compound and complex sentences.

– Recognize prepositional phrases and complex sentences.

Reading – Fish in a Tree: – We will be reading chapters 36-42 this week. Following these chapters, we will have a short quiz. Through this novel we will be looking at theme, character change, and accepting differences.  Ask your child about this amazing novel.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Spelling: – There will be no spelling test this week.

Math: – Mid-Chapter Check

– Recall multiplication & division facts FOR 11 & 12

– Choose the best strategy to solve a problem

Science: – Describe the stages of animal life cycles.

– Test preparation and review.

– NOTE: Science Test will be on November 12.

Social Studies: – Complete Fact File poster of Central American country assigned.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Read and respond to Scriptural evidence of God’s eternal nature.

So that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Titus 3:7



MATH: Multiplication search


READING: Read for 20 min. & complete section from Reading Comprehension


MATH: page 29 Homework Practice (Lions 1-12, 21, 23-25)

Invasion of Vertebrates and Invertebrates!

Everyone worked really hard on their Science Project – Vertebrates and Invertebrates. I learned a lot of new and interesting facts about different animals! Be sure to ask your child what the most interesting fact that they learned from a classmate. 

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Shaving Cream Spelling

As a way of connecting Fish in a Tree to our own lives, we did some spelling practice using shaving cream yesterday. Ask you child how this classwork relates to Ally in Fish in a Tree.

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Objectives and Homework for November 2-6, 2015

English: – Correctly identify and use independent clauses, dependent clauses, and phrases.

Reading – Fish in a Tree: – We will be reading chapters 25-33 this week. Following these chapters, we will have a short quiz. Through this novel we will be looking at theme, character change, and accepting differences.  Ask your child about this amazing novel.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Spelling: – Study for our Spelling Test this Friday. (Spelling pre-test and word discussion occurs during the week to help further prepare for test.)

Math: – Use multiplication properties and division rules.

– Recall multiplication facts 0-5.

– Choose an operation to solve a problem.

– Recall multiplication and division facts through 10.

Science: –Describe how plants reproduce using only spores.

– Describe the stages of animal life cycles.

– Test preparation and review.

– NOTE: Science Test will be on November 12.

Social Studies: – Identify 3 facts each about the Central American countries.

– Discover links between Central America and Cayman.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Demonstrate the use of Bible commentary.

– Demonstrate the use of Bible tools to complete exercises.

Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11



MATH: page 25 Homework Practice

READING: Read for 20 min. & complete section from Reading Comprehension


MATH: page 26 Homework Practice

SPELLING: Create a quick drawing for each word.


READING: Read for 20 min. & complete section from Reading Comprehension

ENGLISH: page 31 complete


READING: Read for 20 min. & complete section from Reading Comprehension

ENGLISH: page 31 complete