Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates

On Friday, we not only became artists, but scientists as well; Scientific Artists! 🙂 In order to find out just how important our spine was, we created ‘things’ out of modeling clay. Some students were given straws that would act as a backbone, while others were not. Everyone got to be as creative as possible while building their creature/person and in the end, we had a great discussion on the importance of our bones, especially our spine.                           

Objectives and Homework for September 24-28, 2012

English -Identify nouns in a sentence. – Distinguish between common and proper nouns. – Identify singular and plural nouns. Homework: – Monday: Page 19– Wednesday: Page 21

Math -Determine when to estimate to find an exact answer.
– Add numbers, including multi-digit numbers.
– Subtract multi-digit numbers.
– Choose the best strategy to solve a problem.
Homework – Monday: page 10 (Pegasus: All, Leopards and Dragons: 1-6, 7)

– Tuesday: page 11 – Thursday: page 12 (Pegasus: All, Leopards 1-4, 7, 9-13 and Dragons: 1-3, 8-12)Spelling HomeworkStudy for Spelling Test on Friday. Homework: Tuesday: Pages 11-12 – Thursday: Page 13Science Describe characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. Recall facts about vertebrates and invertebrates. NOTE: We will have a Science Chapter 1 Test on Monday, October 1.Homework: – STUDY for Science Test.Bible – Name 4 important ways that the Bible is useful. – Contrast the results of obeying and not obeying God’s Word. – ist 3 strong proofs that shows that the Bible is inspired by God.Homework: – Study Bible Verse for Friday. (Parents, please encourage your child/children to study and memorize his/her Bible verse. This counts towards their end of term Bible grade.)– Now to the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory, forever and ever. Amen.1 Timothy 1:17

Art ‘Quilting’

Last week in art class, we made our rendition of a patch quilt. Instead of cloth though, we each had two paper squares and were able to decorate them however we wanted. Now, all I need to do is combine them onto a canvas to make our very own Grade 4 Patch Quilt. I did this as our first art lesson to help each child not only embrace their own creativity, but their own individuality as well. It also helps to highlight that separately, God made us all unique and beautiful, and when combined we can also make an amazing masterpiece! Hope you enjoy! Be sure to check back for when our ‘masterpiece’ is unveiled!        

We Have Movement!

Hooray! This morning in our science observation, we found out that our coloured water had moved upwards in the stem! Here are a few photos proving that water and nutrients move up through the stem. Come back soon to see how our flower petals continue to change!       

Ordering and Rounding Numbers

In order to prepare for tomorrow’s math test, we did some extra practice on Friday and today! Have a peek at what we did!

First, each student was assigned a playing card with a number. Then, each group had to organize themselves to make the largest possible number. After this, I called out random place values where they then had to round their number to that place value. It was a fun, end-of-day activity.

Moving On Up!

Today we did our science investigation on plant stems. Plants need nutrients and water, just like other living things do. We wanted to figure out exactly how plants receive their water.What we did:– We added food colouring to two different cups of water (one yellow and one blue).– We split the plants stem in two, placing each side in a different colour of water.– Since we had extra cabbage leaves, we also placed one leaf per group into a seperate cup of water that contained red food colouring.– We made a hypothesis (what we think will happen during our investigation). Ask your child/children what their hypothesis was.After we did all of this…we waited. 🙂 We will make another observation tomorrow morning as soon as we get to class. Be sure to check back to our blog for more pictures of the results.A special thank you to the parents were provided the materials for this investigation.         

Objectives and Homework for September 17-21, 2012

English -Identify the simple predicate of a sentence. – Identify and correct run-on sentences. Homework: – Monday: Page 13– Wednesday: Page 15

Math -Use addition and subtraction rules to add and subtract.
– Estimate sums and differences of numbers.

Homework – Monday: Study for Math Test on Tuesday– Thursday: 8 Pegasus: (All, Leopards: 1-5, 7-16 and Dragons 1-3, 7-14) NOTE: We will have our Chapter 1 Test on Tuesday, 18 September.Spelling HomeworkStudy for Spelling Test on Friday. Homework: Tuesday: Pages 7-8 – Thursday: Page 9Science Describe the structures of vascular and non-vascular plants. Observe the functions of a plant stem. – Describe the structure of fungi. – Make a model of a backbone.Homework: – I will ask for volunteers to bring in a few items for our Science experiment on Monday. Please let your child know what they will be able to bring in. Thank you so much for your willingness to help. The items include: – Cabbage leaves – celery sticks – white carnation flowers – food colouring (red, blue, yellow, etc) – 10 plastic cups – 10 clothes pinsBible – Demonstrate that God breathes life into His words. – Contrast the results of obeying and not obeying God’s Word. – Identify examples of adding to and taking away from God’s Word.Homework: – Study Bible Verse for Friday. (Parents, please encourage your child/children to study and memorize his/her Bible verse. This counts towards their end of term Bible grade.)– Jesus said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37

Rounding Whole Numbers through the Millions

Today in math, we covered rounding whole number through the millions. For some, this was a bit of a challenge. So, this blog is just to help you guys work through the homework, as we worked it in class today:If I have the number: 793, 580, these steps will help you to round it correctly to the nearest thousand. (Since we had a fire drill today, we used the illustration of going up and down the ladder to escape the fire.)Step 1: Find what number is in the thousands place. (The 3 is in the thousands place.)Step 2: Draw your dot over the 3.Step 3: Look to your number ‘friend’ next door and draw your loop. My friend next door is number 5. He is going to tell me whether I need to go up or down the ladder to safety.Step 4: What are your rounding options? What is your ‘friend’ telling you? Should you go higher up the ladder to get away from the fire or lower down the ladder? My ‘friend’ number 5 is telling me to round UP because numbers 5 and up you have to round higher. For numbers 4 and lower, you have to round lower. So my options for this number are either to round up to 794,000 or round down to 793,000. Since my ‘friend’ is a 5, I have to round up to 794,000. (It is important to remember that any numbers before ‘the dot’ stay the same, and any numbers after ‘the dot’ change to zero.)Step 5: Write down your answer. So my answer is 794,000.We will also review this in class again tomorrow, to make sure that everyone gets enough practice and is confident rounding numbers to the millions. Happy Rounding!