Grade 4 Poetry

We’ve been having a blast this week listening to, reading and writing poetry. Here are some of the phenomincal poems that I’ve collected so far from a few students. I’m sure there will be lots more to post later as well so stay tuned!


By Johnathon Bedasse


I’m tired of people telling me don’t,

And will I listen to them? I won’t!

They tell me don’t do this and don’t do that,

Now I feel like hitting them with a bat!

You’re gonna be in trouble and detention too,

Now how would you like it if I said that to you!


Stand Up to a Bully!

By Jonathan Chin


Stand up to a bully,

Live your life fully.

Bullies just THINK they are cool,

But they are the real fools.

I’m all alone with no one to tell,

My mum is always busy,

And my dad is never there.

My brother is always on the computer,

And I’m always scared.

People call me stupid,

People call me names,

People are always mean to me,

But it’s me that gets the blame!


Bully, Bully, Bully

By Alex F.


I see a bully sitting in a tree.

I see a bully punchin’ somebody.

I see a bully,

I see a bully,

I see a bully looking at me.

I see a bully coming to me.

I see a bully trying to punch me.

I see a bully,

I see a bully,

I see a bully that just missed me.

I see a bully coming down from a tree.

I see a bully trying to kick somebody.

I see a bully,

I see a bully,

I see a bully getting beat, kicked and punched by his mommy.



By Johnathon Bedasse


“Jibber-jabber, giggle-gaggle”

People sure love to babble.

Mama-lulu, fabber-labber”

Stop all the jabber!



By Jonathan Chin


Oh, those Nazi soldiers, they are so mean,

I don’t even want them to be seen.

They kept taking Jews to concentration camps,

Perhaps they led them up torture ramps.

They beat them, they pushed them down,

Just like they pierced Jesus with a horrible crown.

But I know the Jews remembered our Lord Jesus Christ,

His cross He had to bear,

So they kept faith, love and prayer.


 The School Food is Really


By: Kaylee Scott

The food at school is gross; I hate the Sloppy Joe the most 

It really makes me sick; the corn dogs are like rats on a stick

The noodles are like worms and the trays have lots of germs

I really hate the food from school, so next time I’ll bring home food and won’t be a fool!



by: James Powell

I saw a smashed chicken on the road at school.

It looked like a rat.

Because it went splat.

It had a tail.

That could catch some hail.

It had big feet.

I bet you it’s full of meat.