Grade 4 Poetry

We’ve been having a blast this week listening to, reading and writing poetry. Here are some of the phenomincal poems that I’ve collected so far from a few students. I’m sure there will be lots more to post later as well so stay tuned!


By Johnathon Bedasse


I’m tired of people telling me don’t,

And will I listen to them? I won’t!

They tell me don’t do this and don’t do that,

Now I feel like hitting them with a bat!

You’re gonna be in trouble and detention too,

Now how would you like it if I said that to you!


Stand Up to a Bully!

By Jonathan Chin


Stand up to a bully,

Live your life fully.

Bullies just THINK they are cool,

But they are the real fools.

I’m all alone with no one to tell,

My mum is always busy,

And my dad is never there.

My brother is always on the computer,

And I’m always scared.

People call me stupid,

People call me names,

People are always mean to me,

But it’s me that gets the blame!


Bully, Bully, Bully

By Alex F.


I see a bully sitting in a tree.

I see a bully punchin’ somebody.

I see a bully,

I see a bully,

I see a bully looking at me.

I see a bully coming to me.

I see a bully trying to punch me.

I see a bully,

I see a bully,

I see a bully that just missed me.

I see a bully coming down from a tree.

I see a bully trying to kick somebody.

I see a bully,

I see a bully,

I see a bully getting beat, kicked and punched by his mommy.



By Johnathon Bedasse


“Jibber-jabber, giggle-gaggle”

People sure love to babble.

Mama-lulu, fabber-labber”

Stop all the jabber!



By Jonathan Chin


Oh, those Nazi soldiers, they are so mean,

I don’t even want them to be seen.

They kept taking Jews to concentration camps,

Perhaps they led them up torture ramps.

They beat them, they pushed them down,

Just like they pierced Jesus with a horrible crown.

But I know the Jews remembered our Lord Jesus Christ,

His cross He had to bear,

So they kept faith, love and prayer.


 The School Food is Really


By: Kaylee Scott

The food at school is gross; I hate the Sloppy Joe the most 

It really makes me sick; the corn dogs are like rats on a stick

The noodles are like worms and the trays have lots of germs

I really hate the food from school, so next time I’ll bring home food and won’t be a fool!



by: James Powell

I saw a smashed chicken on the road at school.

It looked like a rat.

Because it went splat.

It had a tail.

That could catch some hail.

It had big feet.

I bet you it’s full of meat.

Science Homework – All About Hurricanes



Please submit your work typed or on lined paper, neatly written.

This is due on Monday, March 26, 2012.


With the help of pages 400-401 in your Science textbook, answer the following questions:

1.     Why is it important that forecasters accurately predict the path of a hurricane?

2.     How do you think hurricanes can cause flooding on land?

3.     The Hurricane Hunters have greatly helped scientists better understand hurricanes. Write two paragraphs explaining what the Hurricane Hunters do and how their work has helped scientists better understand hurricanes. Why is this important for us living in the Cayman Islands?



You have just been through a category 3 hurricane. Write a blog/journal entry describing the aftermath. How are you feeling? How does the island look? What do you smell and hear? Please include a drawing or pictures. (Remember to let me know where you got your pictures from if they are not your own.)

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!

Thanks to Coach Claire, we were able to organize a fantastic field trip to the D. Dalmain Ebanks Boxing Gymnasium on Thursday. You see, in P.E., Coach Claire is doing an amazing dance routine that centers around shadow boxing. So, we decided to ‘take it to the ring’ and give the kids a true glimpse into the world of boxing. Everyone sat, mouths open wide and eyes glued to Coach Norman Wilson (also know as Stormin’ Norman) as he ‘took them through the ropes’ of boxing…showing them the ins and outs and the basic moves! They even got to step into the ring and practice a few moves. And…it gets better, the kids also got to meet Cayman’s own World Boxing Champion (ranked 2nd in the world) Charles ‘The Killa’ Whittaker. It was a very exciting field trip…one that I’m sure will get rated as ‘Most Awesome Field Trip Ever’!

Tracey Seymour is one of Cayman's very few female boxers. She's also my friend and an amazing photographer. 🙂
This is how boxers drink water while training! 🙂

Many Coloured Hands

This was a great art lesson that shows what an art God really is. God created all of us…different colours, different shapes, different strengths and weaknesses. The concept that we focused on was that even though God made us all different, He NEVER MAKES A MISTAKE.

Now, apart from the deep-rooted lesson in this art class, students discovered how to properly use oil pastels to their full potential. They learnt how to layer each colour to create a totally new colour. For example, brown coloured over black, makes a completely different color than black coloured over brown.

Objectives and Homework for March 19 – 23, 2012

English: – In honour of Reading Week, we will have a poetry focus every day for English. Students will be writing an array of poetry with the help of and

Number the Stars:– We will be completing Number the Stars this week. The final quiz will be on Wednesday, covering Chapter 16 and the Afterword.  Remember to ask your child to summarize what we’ve read in class and to discuss their favorite parts of each chapter.

Homework: Students should be busy working on their Cereal Box Book Report. It is due March 30.

Spelling Homework – Study spelling words for test on Friday

– Monday: Pages 150-151

– Wednesday: Pages 152-153

Math – Identify and describe 3D figures. Identify and draw nets.

– Identify and classify 2D figures.

– Solve problems by looking at a pattern.

– Identify, describe and classify angles.

– Students will be given additional time to practice using Mathletics and We will also be playing various math games to increase students’ fluency and speed in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Homework – Monday- Page 159-160

– Tuesday- Page 162

– Thursday- Page 167

Science: – Chapter 9 Test on March 19.

Social Studies – Understand that Caymanians have become export seafarers and are respected for their skills.

– Identify that sailors knew the sea to be a friend, as well as an enemy.

Bible– Students will study how to avoid sin in their lives.

– Understand that sin has polluted the world.

– Learn that there are consequences for sin.

Homework: – Study Bible Verse for Friday. (Parents, please encourage your child to study and memorize his/her Bible verse. This counts towards their end of quarter Bible grade.)

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3:5

Specials: – Also check out the Specialist page for recent pictures and information as well as Spanish lesson work.

Barometer Time!

For homework, everyone was asked to make their own barometer. Now, we get to use them to measure…(ask your child what a barometer is used to measure! 😉 ) every day this week.

The Division Dance

Long division can be a bit difficult to fully grasp at times, so we created a dance to help us to remember each step! Show your kids these pictures and see if they can recited the steps for you again. I’m sure they will be able to!

From Trash to Treasure!

A few weeks ago FBCS was involved in a recycling project that was spear-headed by our Grade 5’s. If you recall, we asked your kids to bring in as many re-usable pieces of garbage as they could. You may have asked yourself “what in the world are they doing with garbage in that school?!” Well…since you asked…we created Recycled Robots! Turning your trash into our Grade 4 Treasure, we divided ourselves into 2 groups and worked together, collaborating and creating super amazing robots. Take a peek at their hard work and finished results.

Eyole’s Trip to Africa

Eyole and his family traveled to Africa over the Christmas break and were kind enough to come back and tell us all about their vacation!

Alex sniffing a volcanic rock.
Alex sniffing a volcanic rock.
I've forgotten the name of this yummy snack!