Lunch and Permission Form

June 11, 2012


Dear Parents,


Please sign the permission form below, allowing your child to travel to Rum Point for our End-of-Year party. We are also in need of transportation, so let me know if you are available to drive a few students.


Please also select an option from the below list for your child to eat during our lunch there and kindly attach the payment.


Menu Options:


Option 1:

Chicken Tenders (3 tenders)

Hot Dog

Burger – no cheese (4oz burger)

Burger with cheese (4oz burger)

Grilled Cheese


All meals include:

· French Fries

· Choice of Soda – Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, 7-Up or Ginger Ale


$7.00 C.I./Student – Inclusive of 15% gratuity


Option 2:

Add 1 Cup of Hagan Dazs Ice Cream


$10.00C.I./ Student Inclusive of 15% gratuity

Thank you as usual for your support through-out this year. You have helped to make this Grade 4 an amazing and unforgettable year.

God Bless,

Ms. Suckoo







My child, _________________________________ has permission to attend our End-of-Year Party at Rum Point on June 19, 2012. We will be leaving at approximately 8:45 a.m. and returning before the end of school.



___ Yes, I am available to carry ______ (number of students).

___ I’m sorry, I am unable to assist with transportation this time.


Lunch Choice: __________________________________________________________

Amount of Money Attached: ___________





Parent/Guardian Signature