Here’s what you missed…

Just in case you were unable to make it to our Open House last night, I thought I’d share a few pictures of what you would have seen if you were here! If you didn’t get a chance to visit last night, please remember that if you have any questions or concerns, you can email me anytime or we can work out a time to meet. 🙂 Have a great 1st week of October! (Cooler weather is almost here! :D)

We watched a cute little story on youtube entitled: The Dat I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish. You can watch it at home as well by clicking on So, after that, we wrote a new journal entry entitled: "I would never trade my dad, but I would trade my..." We had some fun with this one. And just in case you were wondering, for journal entries, I do not correct any spelling mistakes, as I want each student to develop a love for just writing and expressing themselves through writing.
Parents had to use the clues to figure out their child/children.