The Grouper Moon Project

We’ve been learning about the Nassau Grouper in Science class this week. The Nassau Grouper is in a very high rate decline and is at serious risk of becoming extinct. The Nassau grouper was placed on the World Conservation Union’s red-list of threatened species in 1996, and it was determined to be endangered because its population has declined by 60% in the past 30 years. Over a third of spawning aggregations have been estimated to have disappeared, and the grouper is considered to be commercially extinct in some areas. (

It is for these reasons why First Baptist Christian School has decided to focus on the Nassau Grouper for our 2014 Science Fair. During the next few weeks, grade 4 will be working on Nassau Grouper research during our science class. I will send home notes keeping you up to date with our progress. 🙂

For more information on how we all can play a part in protecting the Nassau Groupers, please visit The Group Moon Project – 

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