A Visit from Mr. Courtney Platt

FBCS enjoyed a presentation from Mr. Courtney Platt last week. He discussed with us the importance of protecting the Coral Reef and saving the Nassau Grouper.  We all were great listeners, learned quite a lot and asked some pretty amazing questions. We also learned why we should do all that we can to protect the reef fish, and spread the word to others so that we can continue to enjoy this beautiful ecosystem that God has blessed us with.

Here’s a little background on Mr. Platt:

Mr. Courtney Platt minored in marine biology in California. He then taught scuba diving at Bob Soto’s Diving from 1983-1986, during which time he made over 2,400 scuba dives and witnessed the last of our largest, friendly reef fish disappear. He then made over 2,500 dives as pilot of the deep subs diving to 1,000′ between 1986 and 2004. This experience has given him an intimacy with Cayman’s reefs shared by only a handful of people who have worked in our diving industry for many years. He is a seasoned professional photographer, and has been photographing underwater since 1976 with 8 assignments for National Geographic Magazine among his credits!

Thank you Mr. Platt!

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