Objectives and Homework for February 17 – 21, 2014


This week is Reading Week! YIPPEE! In class, we will spending extra time reading. Please also ensure that your child is reading for homework as well. 🙂 You will notice that I am assigning less homework this week, to accommodate the extra reading time at home. You could even make this a family affair! Maybe allocate about 20 minutes of silent reading before bedtime for the whole family. If you’re anything like me, you’ll cherish this quiet, family time. Throw in a warm cup of tea and viola…you’re in heaven! 😉 Have fun and keep encouraging your child to read.

We’re starting off today with a bang! Each class will be passing along a reading baton. Each student will also begin to list any book that they’re reading, during the week, so that as a school, we can actually see how many books we’ve read! Exciting, huh?!

Tuesday we will be having buddy reading with Grade 2.

Wednesday, we will be welcoming Caymanian author; Mrs. Lorraine, to share a bit of information as to what it’s like to be an author.

Thursday, Pastor Paul will be meeting with us to discuss a bit of what his writing process is and to answer any questions we may have.

Friday, is Character Dress Down Day! This is always such a blast! Be sure to start planning a costume with your child. Be sure that they have the book that their character is from with them. During lunch time, we will also be having ‘Bananas About Reading’ where we will all indulge in banana split as we wrap up Reading Week.

As you can see, we have a lot of exciting activities planned! If you have any spare time and would like to, we’d be honored for you to visit us and read one of your favorite children’s books as well. Just let me know.

Thanks always for keeping the love of reading alive! 🙂

ENGLISH – Identify pronouns in a sentence.

NUMBER THE STARS – We started Number the Stars by Newbery Award award-winning author Lois Lowry. It is about the escape of a Jewish family from Copenhagen during Occupation of Denmark on Second World War because of the Holocaust. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_the_Stars)

Each week we will be reading a few chapters in class and completing chapter quizzes. Students are allowed to re-read what we have covered in class, but I ask that they do no read ahead unless they have been given special permission to do so. Please be sure to ask your child questions on what we have read in class and allow them to summarize and describe different events in detail and in order.

SPELLING– Our spelling test this week will be a review of a few words that we’ve covered this term.

MATH – Solve division problems that result in quotients that have zeroes.

– Divide 4-digit dividends by a 1-digit divisor.

Homework: Monday: page 155 Sharks All, Iguanas 1-9, Koalas 1-6

Tuesday: page 156 Sharks 1-6, 25-30, 34-35, Iguanas and Koalas 1-3, 25-27, 34

Wednesday: page 157 Sharks – 4-15, Iguanas and Koalas 4-8

Thursday: page 158 Sharks 1-12, 22, Iguanas and Koalas 1-6, 22

SCIENCE – We are finalizing our research for the Science Fair.

BIBLE – Review the Tower of Babel story.

– Create the scenes that reflect Peter’s denial of Jesus.

– Review what repent, forgive and restore mean.

Homework: – Study Bible Verse for Thursday. (Parents, please encourage your child/children to study and memorize his/her Bible verse. This counts towards their end of term Bible grade.)

Return to the Lord you God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Joel 2:13