Can You Save Fred?

Can You Save Fred, is a team-building STEM activity that we worked on this week.

You see…poor, poor Fred was quite the stubborn worm (well, gummy worm, but that’s a minor detail). You see, even though Fred couldn’t swim, he decided to go out fishing in his boat, knowing that we were in for some rain and wind each evening this week. So, Fred went fishing and suddenly a torrential downpour started and the sea started churning. And wouldn’t you know it…poor Fred’s boat capsized! Lucky for him, he was able to scramble on to part of the boat that remained above water, but unlucky for him, his one and only lifesaver got stuck under the boat.

Well, as you can imagine, poor Fred was in quite a pickle! But again, lucky for him, the brave, fearless, and brilliant students of Grade 4, were up to the task of saving him. Be sure to ask you child what happened with Fred the worm.

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