Our Mangrove Adventures

Eco Divers 

Grade 4 had a wonderful opportunity to go on a mangrove boat tour, which coincides with our study of ecosystems. Through SeaElements, students were able to get up close and personal with some sea life, like an upside down jelly fish and many of them were brave enough to hold! As well as salt leaves from the mangroves, which are edible, in case you were wondering 😉 Students loved getting to have a taste and learn about the specific leaves that come from the different mangroves. Students learned about the special skills mangroves provide in the ecosystem around and how they protect various organisms and during hurricanes a defense to the island.

A couple of Friday’s back, some of Grade 4 were able to meet Aaron Hunt from Eco divers. He and his wife head up a very successful conservationist group that focuses on restoring coral around Grand Cayman. They have set up several coral nurseries off of South Sound and Governors Beach. They have a 5 year plan to create nurseries to surround Grand Cayman and grow up to 100,000 coral! In Cayman we have lost up to 80% of our coral reef and with what students have been learning about in habitats and ecosystems, coral is very crucial to the sea life that surrounds us. Students really enjoyed Aaron’s discussion, diagrams of coral anatomy and a new perspective of how to help in practical ways to conserve coral health. He has recommended we use waterproof sunscreen to prevent coral bleaching and some brands that can be useful are Sun Bum and Reef Safe Sun. It really got students thinking about ways they could help and even interested in getting their diving license! (watch out 😉 parents!) Very thankful he could stop by and share what is going on here in Cayman and what we can be doing to help protect our beautiful country and sea life. 

Everyone really seemed to enjoy the discussions and being out in our ‘back yard’ for the morning.