Numeracy and Science: Objectives (11/04 – 11/08)


Learning objectives:

  1. Demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts through 12 x 12, and the corresponding division facts
  2. Estimate and determine sums, differences, and products of whole numbers
  3. Create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction

Focus in class:

  • Addition and Subtraction of mulitdigit numbers
  • Layout of working out


Learning Objectives:

  1. The survival of plants and animals depends on photosynthesis;
  2. Plants and animals have different structures and processes for obtaining energy; and
  3. Plants and animals have different structures and processes for creating offspring.

Focus in class:

  • Animal adaptations

  • Animal Project

– All work will be completed in class this week

– Students will research information about a chosen animal (Linked to their mid-term homework task)

– Students will use a template to create an information booklet on their animal