Home Learning: Monday, March 30

Dear Parents and Students,

The third quarter will close on the 8th of April, with report cards to follow a few weeks later. Mr. B and I have a range of grades for the various subjects but will be assessing remotely as well. It is vital that all tasks we’ve assigned for remote learning are completed and submitted. We’ve tried to keep the workload light in order to help some students catch up – Please check all of the platforms that we are currently using to check that everything has indeed been completed and submitted. [Seesaw / Mathletics / Quizizz / Go Formative]

NOTE: On Seesaw, please ensure that assignments are not just sitting as drafts, but have indeed been submitted. If this is not done, Mr. B and I will not be able to comment and either approve or send back for corrections.

Please click on this link to download Monday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Mar30

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
To set up Microsoft teams on your device or PC. For those students who did not get on to MT last week.



-We will use this tool to communicate.

-It will make things easier for us to share things as well



-Read the blog post and follow the instructions.


-This must be completed before any other work is done this morning.

-Once you’ve logged on, say Hi on my post in our team.


We need to set this up first because you will need access to all the resources on MT.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Microsoft team


Lesson Objective Activities Resources


–    Listen to https://youtu.be/7s5UwJLylOU

–    Say hi to Mr. B and I on the MT Chat and tell us what you’re thankful for this week.


ACTIVITY 2: Worship time


–    You can listen to these videos, or any other worship songs that you want. But, spend at least 15 minutes praising and worshiping God this morning.

–    Zach Williams – Old Church Choir – https://youtu.be/yOEviTLJOqo

–    Church Clap by KB feat. Lecrae – https://youtu.be/ACJt5wwrDdI

–    Mandisa – Overcomer – https://youtu.be/b8VoUYtx0kw

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars




–    Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 7 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-2P0P96UzAY


Stop and Think about the following:

1. Describe Uncle Henrik’s house.

2. Why can’t the girls visit with neighbors and play outside?

3. Which food makes them excited for supper?

4. How did you feel when you read the last line of the chapter? Why?




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=uOK7Dk-dSROF-TgFGI2c4A&prompt_id=prompt.0d79c3ef-bddf-436c-b674-5f67502d582c

–    Design a postcard to send to Papa in Copenhagen. Using the descriptions from the book, draw the countryside, the farm of Uncle Henrik, the seashore, or a fishing boat.

–    Then, write a message to Papa telling him of the trip to Uncle Henrik’s. Remember that the Nazis might intercept the mail, so you will need to write anything about Ellen in code.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Lesson Objective Activities Resources
  Unit 5 Punctuation and Capitalization Assessment



–    Completed the following Quizziz assessments:

–    quizizz.com/join?gc=042021 – Code 042021

–    quizizz.com/join?gc=260895 – Code 260895


NOTE: Please finish any incomplete work on Seesaw.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet


– To be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers. ACTIVITY 1:

–       Log on to Mathletics: https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

–       Complete task 1: Find the missing number 2.

–       If you need help – click the “i” button on the top right.

–       Refresher video if needed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nfGW53Vr58



–       Complete task 2: Decreasing the pattern.

–       Refresher video if needed:

–       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-6uEtTBH7g



–        Complete any unfinished work or do corrections.

–        Check on Seesaw, Mathletics and Epic Reading.


–        https://app.seesaw.me/#/student/login

–        https://www.getepic.com/sign-in/educator

–        Class code: jhi7982

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Get Epic

– Seesaw


– To be able to identify and describe the five ocean zones. OCEAN ZONES

–        Scientists have divided the ocean into five main layers.

–        These layers, known as “zones”, extend from the surface to the most extreme depths where light can no longer penetrate.

–        As we dive deeper into these largely unexplored places, the temperature drops and the pressure increases at an astounding rate.

–        There are scientific and common names for the layers.


–        Log on to Go Formative: https://goformative.com/login

–        Username: [first name][first letter of last name][fbcs]

–        Example: lucashfbcs

–        Password: fbcs3227

–        Review your previous two tasks if you did not achieve 100%.


–        Click “Open” on the task named: Grade 4: Ocean Zones

–        Watch the video in the activity and answer the questions.

–        You may watch the video again to find the answers.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Go Formative


Physical Education – Week of March 30 – April 3: Stunts and Tumbling Unit Test
Objective Activities Resources
Demonstrate skills learned throughout this unit This week you will need to post two items on Seesaw in the Physical Education folder. 

1. Post your completed March Activity Log Calendar.

2. Post the video recording of your routine. (see details below)


Activity Guidelines:

1. You will create a gymnastic routine using the skills you learned throughout our Stunts and Tumbling Unit.   You will use the Spark Cards for a reference of the skills.  *These are located on your Microsoft Team’s Files.


2. You must include at least 12 stunts from the lessons.  There should be at least 4 stunts used from each section below:

–        Balance and Strength Skills

–        Jumping and Landing Skills

–        Weight and Transfer Skills (includes animal walks)

*You may add other skills you know, but your grade will be based on the 12 stunts from our unit.


3. Preform skills under control and with good form.


4. Make it creative and fun to watch.  You may include music if you like!


*If you have a sibling in 4th – 6th grade, you may work together to make one routine.


Unit Test Recording: Please ask a parent to help record your routine.  You will need to upload to your grade’s Seesaw account.


If the video is over 5 minutes long, it will not fix in Seesaw so you can email the video to Coach Kring at rkring@fbcs.edu.ky .


Please post your March Activity Log and unit test video to Seesaw or email to Coach Kring (rkring@fbcs.edu.ky)  by Sunday, April 5, 2020.

Device with video recorder and connection to internet










Spark Cards

(4 sets =

1. Balance and Strength

2. Jumping and Landing

3. Weight and Transfer

4. Animal Walks)