Numeracy and Science Objectives (09/07 – 09/11)


It is essential that your child practices their times tables everyday! Last year they had to focus on 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10. This year, they will need to demonstrate fluency through 12 x 12. If I don’t give specialized homework for Numeracy, ensure that you spend time drilling times tables with your child.

Learning Objectives for the next few weeks:

  • Read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a nine-digit whole number;
  • Compare and order whole numbers expressed through millions; and
  • Round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand.

Focus in class:

  • Identifying the place and value of digits (Numbers up to hundred million)


Review of the Scientific method:

Learning Objectives for the next few weeks:

  • The survival of plants and animals depends on photosynthesis;
  • Plants and animals have different structures and processes for obtaining energy; and
  • Plants and animals have different structures and processes for creating offspring.

Focus in class:

  • Parts of a flower and their functions.