It’s All About Vascular Plants

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In Science, we’ve been learning about vascular and non-vascular plants. We were able to observe the movement of water (and some food colouring) in vascular plants throughout the week. Ask you child you break down the experiment and explain why our white flowers changed colour.

Happy Roald Dahl Day!

Happy Roald Dahl Day!

It was a gloriumptious day. We sampled some ghastly wormy spaghetti today, in honour of Roald Dahl’s birthday. We also watched a few minutes of a sampling of The Twits. Have a few laughs as you watch this short video with your child.

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Wormy Spaghetti and Other Nasties

Today for reading, we explored metaphorical language used in The Twits, Chapter 7: Wormy Spaghetti. In this chapter, Mrs Twit put worms in Mr Twit’s spaghetti as pay back for the frog in her bed the night before.  After reading this chapter, we pretended to be Mrs. Twit and explored different samples of food and came up with some extremely gross alternatives and descriptive 7Up sentences.
Be sure to ask you child about his/her group’s Trick Menu.
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Can You Save Fred?

Can You Save Fred, is a team-building STEM activity that we worked on this week.

You see…poor, poor Fred was quite the stubborn worm (well, gummy worm, but that’s a minor detail). You see, even though Fred couldn’t swim, he decided to go out fishing in his boat, knowing that we were in for some rain and wind each evening this week. So, Fred went fishing and suddenly a torrential downpour started and the sea started churning. And wouldn’t you know it…poor Fred’s boat capsized! Lucky for him, he was able to scramble on to part of the boat that remained above water, but unlucky for him, his one and only lifesaver got stuck under the boat.

Well, as you can imagine, poor Fred was in quite a pickle! But again, lucky for him, the brave, fearless, and brilliant students of Grade 4, were up to the task of saving him. Be sure to ask you child what happened with Fred the worm.

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Meet Mr. Twit

Today, in honor of Roald Dahl’s birthday next week, we started our mini class novel – The Twits.

Synopsis from amazon.

Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the smelliest, nastiest, ugliest people in the world. They hate everything—except playing mean jokes on each other, catching innocent birds to put in their Bird Pies, and making their caged monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps, stand on their heads all day. But the Muggle-Wumps have had enough. They don’t just want out, they want revenge.

Be sure to follow along with your child as we read through this delightfully hilarious (and sometimes face scrunching) book. We’ll be doing a lot of in-class activities as we read different chapters each day.

Today, we explored sensory description and figurative language as we delved head first into Mr. Twit’s beard (gross!). Ask your child how Mr. Twit was described, and remind them to include his ‘jungle of a beard’.

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7Up, M&M’s, and Snowballs?

Well! We made it through our first day of Grade 4! Yay! We accomplished a lot today and had a ton of fun doing it. Here are a few highlights of our day.

Be sure to ask your child about our 7Up and M&M’s activity, as well as our snowball fight! 🙂

See you tomorrow!

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It’s Alive! Alive!

Well…not really alive…but it’s definitely lit! 🙂 We have light! All because we experimented and realized that for us to have light, we must have a closed circuit!

Have a chat with your child about our discoveries in science, yesterday.

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