Christmas Party, Gift Donation and…shhhhh…Secret Santa!

Dear Parents,This year Grade 4 will be having our Christmas party on December 14th at 10:00am. Each student will bring in a treat to share during our party. Please see the note sent home with your child to see what your child has volunteered to bring.Instead of doing a simple Secret Santa, we will be doing something a little different. There are many children who will be receiving nothing for Christmas this year and I thought it would be nice to give to some of the children in the Nadine Andreas Foster HomeOne thing I am really trying to instill in the students this holiday season is the importance of giving, even when you get nothing in return. I will be asking the students to each bring in a new, small, gift wrapped book to donate, as well as a Secret Santa gift. I know things get tight this time of year so the limit for the donated book is $7.00 and the limit for the Secret Santa gift will be $10.00.I will deliver the gifts to the Nadine Andreas Foster Home before Christmas. Thank you so much for all your help and hard work. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.Merry Christmas,Ms. Suckoo