Moving On Up!

Today we did our science investigation on plant stems. Plants need nutrients and water, just like other living things do. We wanted to figure out exactly how plants receive their water.What we did:– We added food colouring to two different cups of water (one yellow and one blue).– We split the plants stem in two, placing each side in a different colour of water.– Since we had extra cabbage leaves, we also placed one leaf per group into a seperate cup of water that contained red food colouring.– We made a hypothesis (what we think will happen during our investigation). Ask your child/children what their hypothesis was.After we did all of this…we waited. 🙂 We will make another observation tomorrow morning as soon as we get to class. Be sure to check back to our blog for more pictures of the results.A special thank you to the parents were provided the materials for this investigation.        Â