Silent Reading Rocks!

I am obsessed with reading! 🙂 So, I just wanted to put this warning out to you…I want your child to become obsessed with reading as well. 🙂 To do this, I really value our Silent Reading time. It’s so exciting to know that we can travel all over the world, and be whoever we want to be, just by opening the pages of a book. How amazing is that?! “Yes, yes I love books!” 🙂

We will also be having Library time every Monday, between 2-2:30, so please ask your child which books he or she has borrowed, and maybe a few questions about what it is about and if they are enjoying it. 🙂 Please also ensure that you child has read and will return his/her book by the following Monday. Everyone will also have many opportunities to gain Accelerated Reading (AR) points every week. The more points that they earn, the more prizes they will receive when our AR Shop opens later on this term.


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