Reading is Dreaming with Your Eyes Open


(author unknown)

rainbow-book-375x250Grade 4 visited the library this afternoon and should be coming home with some really awesome books to read. Please continue to encourage your child/children to read to themselves and out loud to you. They will have a week (sometimes 2 weeks, depending on the size of their book) to read, take an Accelerated Reader (A.R.) test (a comprehension test), and return it.

A.R. tests are really cool, because not only do we get to track how well your child is doing, but they also get to earn points for passing their book tests. These points act as money and can be used at the end of every term when Mrs. Sandra (the Librarian) opens our ‘Book Store’. Your child will be given certain times to do their A.R. tests during the day, and also during After School.

Thank you so much for your help! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Reading!