Objectives and Lesson Plans – September 12-16, 2016

The Twits: Explore humour and character descriptions.

– Demonstrate understanding of a character. Write a letter using commands.

– Explore how characters may be reflected in surroundings.

– Develop research skills. Understand and interpret key features of birds. Develop empathetic skills.

English: – Identify commands and exclamations.

– Identify the complete subjects of sentences. Identify the complete predicates of sentences.

– Identify the simple subject of a sentence.

Spelling: – Study and work on Spelling Contract for vocabulary test on Friday.

  1. Revolting                      6 Squiggly                                        11. Solemn
  2. Plot                                7. Extraordinary                              12. Nasty
  3. Horrid                           8. Marvelous                                    13. Dreaded
  4. Peer                                9. Squishy                                        14. Ghastly              
  5. Foul                               10. Bitter                                           15. Bright    

Math: – Solve problems using the four-step plan.

– Compare whole numbers.

– Order whole numbers through the millions.

Science: – Observe the function of a plant stem.

– Describe the structures of vascular and non-vascular plants.

– Describe the structure of fungi.

Social Studies: – Identify islands that make up the Lesser and Great Antilles.

– Recognize and list each country in the Greater Antilles. Identify at least one key feature for each.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Identify the different ways God’s Word equips Christians to do God’ will.

– Examine Scripture to understand how God’s Word reveals His truth.

What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which He revealed His glory; and His disciples believed in Him. John 2:11



MATH: Homework Practice page 3 1-2, 5, 7-8

ENGLISH: page 7


SPELLING: Spelling Contract – Complete 1 square

ENGLISH: page 9


READ: Read at least one chapter and complete 1 section of handout

ENGLISH: page 11


MATH: Reteach Book page 4 1-2, 3, 7-11

SPELLING: Complete spelling contract, STUDY words

Wormy Spaghetti and Other Nasties

Today for reading, we explored metaphorical language used in The Twits, Chapter 7: Wormy Spaghetti. In this chapter, Mrs Twit put worms in Mr Twit’s spaghetti as pay back for the frog in her bed the night before.  After reading this chapter, we pretended to be Mrs. Twit and explored different samples of food and came up with some extremely gross alternatives and descriptive 7Up sentences.
Be sure to ask you child about his/her group’s Trick Menu.
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Can You Save Fred?

Can You Save Fred, is a team-building STEM activity that we worked on this week.

You see…poor, poor Fred was quite the stubborn worm (well, gummy worm, but that’s a minor detail). You see, even though Fred couldn’t swim, he decided to go out fishing in his boat, knowing that we were in for some rain and wind each evening this week. So, Fred went fishing and suddenly a torrential downpour started and the sea started churning. And wouldn’t you know it…poor Fred’s boat capsized! Lucky for him, he was able to scramble on to part of the boat that remained above water, but unlucky for him, his one and only lifesaver got stuck under the boat.

Well, as you can imagine, poor Fred was in quite a pickle! But again, lucky for him, the brave, fearless, and brilliant students of Grade 4, were up to the task of saving him. Be sure to ask you child what happened with Fred the worm.

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Meet Mr. Twit

Today, in honor of Roald Dahl’s birthday next week, we started our mini class novel – The Twits.

Synopsis from amazon.

Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the smelliest, nastiest, ugliest people in the world. They hate everything—except playing mean jokes on each other, catching innocent birds to put in their Bird Pies, and making their caged monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps, stand on their heads all day. But the Muggle-Wumps have had enough. They don’t just want out, they want revenge.

Be sure to follow along with your child as we read through this delightfully hilarious (and sometimes face scrunching) book. We’ll be doing a lot of in-class activities as we read different chapters each day.

Today, we explored sensory description and figurative language as we delved head first into Mr. Twit’s beard (gross!). Ask your child how Mr. Twit was described, and remind them to include his ‘jungle of a beard’.

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7Up, M&M’s, and Snowballs?

Well! We made it through our first day of Grade 4! Yay! We accomplished a lot today and had a ton of fun doing it. Here are a few highlights of our day.

Be sure to ask your child about our 7Up and M&M’s activity, as well as our snowball fight! 🙂

See you tomorrow!

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Welcome to Grade 4!

Welcome to Grade 4!

I am Tessa Suckoo and I will be your child’s Grade 4 teacher this year! I am so excited! We will be learning so many new concepts and building on ones already learned while having tons of fun doing so! I can’t wait for all of the successes that will come this year with your child. I look forward to having a great year of educational excellence centered on Jesus.

Just a few reminders, in case you were unable to attend our Parent Orientation tonight.

Contact Information

Communication is so important to me and is so important to a successful year! If you ever need to contact me, please don’t hesitate. Here are some ways that I can be reached:

Email: tsuckoo@fbcs.edu.ky

School Phone: 945-7906

Grade 4 Blog

The Grade 4 blog is updated at least once a week. Our blog lets you know everything that we are doing in class, from photos to subject objectives, reminders, homework, special events going on in our classroom, and things going on at school. Make sure to pop over to our blog at least once a week to keep up to date with our busy classroom.


Grade 4 has a daily snack at 9:30 where your child is able to eat a healthy snack and have a bit of time to run around and unwind. Please ensure that you pack a nutritious snack for your child to enjoy before lunch.


Recess is given everyday at 11:30 – 11:55. Please remind your child to bring his or her FBCS hat to school everyday. Outside can get extremely hot most days, so your child is required to wear an FBCS hat whenever outside. No FBCS hat means no outside recess and he or she will have to sit inside the gym.


Each day, we will be eating lunch at 11:55 – 12:20 in the gym. Your child can have lunch provided by Food for Thought for $5 per lunch (see the school office or check your email for the monthly menu) or you can pack a lunch for your child to eat that does not require the use of a microwave.


This year your child will be taking different specials each day of the week. These specials include Music, Library, Art, Computers, Spanish and Physical Education (P.E.). Here are the days that your child will be participating in these specials:

Monday – Computers, Library                                

Tuesday – Computer  

Wednesday – Music, Spanish   

Thursday – P.E.                                                      

Friday – Spanish, P.E.

Classroom Management

I love having a lot of fun in school and especially in our classroom. I believe that laughing and learning go hand in hand and I love to celebrate wonderful behavior and hard work! I also believe in having a classroom where every student feels safe and welcomed, comfortable, happy and cared for. I want each and every child to succeed to his or her highest potential and I will work my hardest to ensure that this happens. I believe that every student is capable of learning and succeeding and I believe in meeting a student where he or she is and helping him or her to grow. In order for this to happen, I make sure that I have a well-managed class. One management system I do in my class is ‘How Am I Doing Today?’. Each day, your child starts off with his or her name on ‘Ready to Learn’ and has the ability to move up to ‘Super Student’ where they will earn 2 stickers for the day on our Sticker Reward Chart. Their goal is to earn 10 stickers and then be rewarded a popcorn party for their wonderful work and behavior.

Sometimes, we don’t always have our best days, though. If a student does not do what is expected, I will give them a warning by moving his or her name down to ‘Make Better Choices’. If the behavior continues, your child will move his or her name down to ‘Mrs. Suckoo’s Choice’ where he or she will loose a sticker. If this behavior continues, your child will receive a consequence (this can range from loosing free time in the classroom, loosing classroom computer privileges or missing some time from recess). If the behavior still continues, he or she will move their name down to ‘Parent Contact’ and I will call or email to let you know about your child’s behavior for the day.

However, I always believe in giving students another chance. We all have off days! Therefore, I always give opportunities for students to earn back stickers that they’ve lost.

We will also be working hard to earn classroom parties throughout the year to celebrate our classroom successes!

Homework Agenda

Everyday your child will bring home their agenda with homework and/or reminders written inside. This agenda will be your child’s to keep all year. The most important thing to remember about this agenda is to make sure your child brings it to school EVERYDAY. This agenda is very special and important and needs to be taken good care of because your child will have their homework written in it. Your child will also have a homework folder to help keep him or her organized with any homework papers that need to be completed and also papers and letters throughout the school year to communicate with you.

I believe that each child learns differently and is blessed with unique gifts. Because of this, Grade 4 receives differentiated homework based on strengths and goals. I try to balance homework and home life and I will try my hardest not to overwhelm your child (or you, for that matter). But, homework also serves a very positive purpose in that it helps to reinforce topics learned during the school day. Please ensure that your child completes the homework assigned to him or her on time. Any child that does not complete the homework will have his or her name added to ‘Mrs. Suckoo’s Black Book’. If your child’s name is added to this book 3 times or more per term, then he or she will miss an entire recess. Exceptions to this rule are only made with an email or note from you explaining the circumstances behind the incomplete work.

Please don’t fear homework though, (smile), I only assign work that has been taught in class. If you ever have any concerns, please know that I’m only an email (or phone call away).