
1/2 day of school tomorrow, happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate and those who don’t, enjoy a half day with family and friends! *there is still after care till 5:30. 

Dress Down: FRIDAY for National Trust, $1 and WEAR GREEN! A representative from the National Trust will be speaking on Friday after lunch. 

Bottle Caps: Due December 11th, please continue to collect and be aware of any caps that you can bring in to school. 

Christmas Concert: December 3rd! Students have begun rehearsals and we can’t wait for you to watch. If you have time at home, please have students practice! Click here to listen to the school musical, it begins at 2:05, they can sing along in the car or at home. (: 

Thankful surprise! – please remember to bring in 30 things you are thankful about your child to the office or emailed by next week!