Home Learning: Tuesday, April 7

Please click on this link to download Tuesday’s home learning: GR4_Home_Learning_ALL_Apr7

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
To set up Microsoft teams on your device or PC. For those students who did not get onto MT last week.



-We will use this tool to communicate.

-It will make things easier for us to share things as well



-Read the blog post and follow the instructions.


-This must be completed before any other work is done this morning.

-Once you’ve logged on, say Hi on my post in our team.


We need to set this up first because you will need access to all the resources on MT.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Microsoft team

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
Students will:


– Reflect on the events of Palm Sunday and how we can worship Christ.

Easter – Palm Sunday


Christ died for our sins, just as the Scripture said. He was buried and He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. 1 Corinthians 15:3–4




–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=cRtRsdoeQMOPmpj3tddB9w&prompt_id=prompt.5fa42340-9c14-4af5-ae84-8f770e6adc57


–    Watch the attached link as we begin our Easter celebrations.

–    On the student template, discuss the following:

–    How can you show Jesus how thankful you are for Him? Give me 3 ways that we can show Him how much we love Him.

– Access to internet

–    Laptop/Tablet

–    Bible

Lesson Objective Activities Resources
– Analyze characters in the novel by identifying character traits and using textual evidence to support their ideas


– Form a deeper understanding of the book’s characters

Number the Stars  – Chapter 12


–    Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=y3KxMdHMRySY–kF1HYcBA&prompt_id=prompt.432071e3-ab8d-4273-8226-d232fa480998




1. Follow along in your Number the Stars book and listen to Chapter 12 on the link attached. https://youtu.be/0fQuRIQhZPk


2. Stop and Think about the following:

a. Which is harder: Mama’s task of walking the Rosens to Henrik’s boat or Papa’s job of waiting to hear the news? Why?

b. Do you think Annemarie will see Ellen again? Why or why not?

c. What do you think has happened to Mama?

d. Explain how the Rosens are afraid, but acting brave.


3. Complete the following student template attached:

Compare and Contrast

Think deeply about how Mama and Annemarie are alike and different. (Think about their personalities, how they’ve reacted in each chapter of the book so far…)


NOTE: You may write in point-form here, but please remember to capitalize your proper nouns.

– Access to internet

– Laptop/tablet

– Number the Stars book


Finalizing Activities




-Log on to Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/#/login

-Make sure all Seesaw are completed and submitted.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device



–        Log on to Mathletics: https://login.mathletics.com/#/student

–        Log on to Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/#/login


–        Make sure all Seesaw are submitted and ML tasks are completed.

–        If you have completed all your work, play Numeracy games in the Mathletics hub.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Mathletics

– Seesaw


To be able to review Ocean food webs. OCEANS FOOD WEBS

–        A food web consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem.

–        Each living thing in an ecosystem is part of multiple food chains.

–        Each food chain is one possible path that energy and nutrients may take as they move through the ecosystem.

–        Every plant and animal species depends on another plant or animal species for its survival.


–        Log onto Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/#/login

–        Complete task: Science: Ocean Food Web (Assessment)


–        Read instructions carefully and create your ocean food web.

–        Refer to example for help.

– Access to internet

– Computer / Device

– Seesaw


– To be able to work within Microsoft Excel and use the formatting tools to create a table PRIOR KNOWLEDGE:

–        Insert text into cells

–        Merge cells

–        Expand the width of cells

–        Change the font, size and colour of text

–        Format cells using fill colour

–        Add borders



–        Create a holiday schedule in Excel just like the one we created for your school timetable except this one will have all your holiday activities


–        Open a new Excel document

–        Select blank document

–        SAVE your document in a folder where you can find it again!

–        Add in the days of the week (Friday to Sunday) and put the times (in hour segments, starting from 8:00am and ending at 8:00pm).

–        Use the image of my schedule to guide you

–        I have put in examples of activities – please create your own schedule for the first week of your break and design your own activities and schedule

–        Once completed – please email your document to me to assess

–        My email is: kirstenanthony0@gmail.com

–        This activity will take you two lessons so this will be for lesson 1 and lesson 2.



–        merged cells

–        borders for the table

–        change the font

–        colour code your cells (so give each activity its own special colour and use the same colour every time you write that activity)

–        a heading for your table


– Computer / Device

– Microsoft Excel


Technology Schedule Example: